I think there are some very good posts here and I share some of the frustration. I bought c2 to make mobile games after learning to use Corona SDK (a bit), but the lack of editor and writing code were killing me...
So... other mobile game dev tools encourage the multiple drawing of sprites at 1x, 2x, 4x etc resolution so there is no need to GPU scale the images to fit screen resolution. Each tick the objective is to draw, say, 960x640 pixels with no scaling work, just drawing to canvas pixel to pixel. Add in a couple of layers of objects with transparency, blend, lots of objects etc and each layer can add a draw data rate of upwards of 37mb/s of data.... A full HD display might demand 124 mb/s of data per layer for each pixel to be drawn...
So, coming from Corona it was tempting to get swept away by the promise of new tech - easily scaled images, no need to create and load a batch of bespoke images for differences resolutions, back to front renderer will efficiently draw everything... And so on.
The truth, for mobile and desktop, is that the engine seems to easily permit the dev to create a GPU bottleneck. Create a game full of scaled objects that each take up a large screen area and overlap each other - and the needless drawing of each screen pixel many times over is uncontrollable and can result in gb/s of wasted data flow as pixels are redrawn over and over again, back to front, until the final image is created. 60 times per second.
Because of the way browsers draw 2d I don't see a solution, only a continuing need to minimise overlapping objects that fill layers with transparencies that have to be drawn. Which is counter intuitive because the editor encourages you to use your imagination and create a super parallax world with scaled objects. That's not the editors fault, it's the way the browsers draw each frame.
Instead of a back to front renderer we need a front to back renderer, with camera culling and an algorithm to stop drawing the scene when/if all pixels are drawn. Something like a 3d engine that won't draw the sky in full hd detail every frame because you're actually in a room and the sky is not visible right now... Yeah, right...
It also seems that many GPUs are full of 3d loving but 2d has been relatively forgotten about. Where's the 2d acceleration option?
Long diatribe over. I'm going back to making sure I don't have to many objects overlapping and checking that hi res detail on upscale is off...