Colludium's Forum Posts

  • I didn't want to spam up the Ejecta thread with my personal problems... Can someone please help me with a build fail problem that repeats across a couple of projects? This Ejecta export option has me very excited - and very frustrated...

    I've been trying to build a couple of projects using a virtual mac running xcode 4.5, using the latest developmental release of Ejecta, as per the tutorial. I've tried to carefully follow all of the guidance and, after MANY re-attempts at following the steps I'm now familiar and I think I've done everything right, but I keep on getting the same build failure in xcode. That was with one of my mobile projects, so I then tried a super-simple project with one touch object and still get the same failure. Here's a screenshot of the xcode failure notification:

    and for completeness, here's a capx of what I tried to run on the ios simulator:

    I must confess to being a complete newb with anything mac, so it's probably something simple...

    Anyone any ideas what I'm missing?


  • <img src="" border="0" />


    link to game:

    Here's my first complete game, hosted by (and, hopefully soon, Chrome web-store).

    You're a debug robot and your mission is to rid your infected computer of malicious code. It's a 12 level challenging platform game with upgrades and a variety of enemies that need annihilating. I hope you enjoy it - and please provide feedback so I can improve it and make any future games better.


  • Luca11,

    There are a couple of ways you could achieve the effect you want. First, there's a subtle but important point with respect to C2's event system which is causing your problem. On line 9 where you set the blankblock visible, you are selecting all blankblocks - you need to specify a particular instance for C2 to only change an individual's characteristics.

    So, you could use containers which would make this very easy (have a read of the manual and, after a bit of experimenting you'll never look back - wouldn't need any code change to your events, I think) or you could add a sub event to what you have already and pick the closest blankblock to the Block1 in the collision.

    There is another method you could follow. You could have the blocks as different frames of the same sprite. Check the frame of the collision block on collision - if it's 0 spawn a coin, if it's 1 do nothing, on collision change frame to 1...

  • the_darklorde

    Dude, you've got a zero in the Character Set description which doesn't appear in the font image....

  • +1 for Appcelerator.

  • Ramones' custom bullet example is excellent!

    For me, I like to be able to easily control how far a bullet can travel, including bouncing etc (ie this really depends on your needs as to whether or not my way would work).

    I put this example together this evening - it's not perfect but it shows that when you're shooting super-fast bullets you can get away with an instant enemy kill. I initially went for logging the UID of the target but found that C2 sometimes missed the overlap collision check of my sensor object when I destroyed it at the end of the check loop. For this alternative / quick fix I added a fade-out behaviour to the sensor object to guarantee the overlap was acknowledged. Not perfect, but it does the job...

    Here's the link to the capx:

  • Use an invisible stepping sensor to determine if the bullet will kill anything before it is fired (like the laser examples). If a future collision is detected, get the UID of the enemy that is about to die (or set an 'about to die' variable). Then fire the bullet with a range to expire equal to the length of the collision sensor. On bullet expire, kill the enemy. Should work well enough to fool even an expert observer.

    Written on mobile so very brief, but I hope this makes sense...?

  • Dannyzigg,

    I advise you to have a read of the manual page 115 (

    You misunderstood my previous post - try changing the "Spawn Object" in your event sheet to a "System/Create Object". I don't see any angle change for the Danny sprite on your event sheet - and with a Spawn Object the bullet will be created with the same angle.

    A System/Create Object will allow you to set whatever parameters you wish for the bullet. I also advise that you set the bullet's parameters AFTER you have instructed the system to create it, otherwise the system won't have an object to put the settings onto and you'll continue to get default settings for the bullet.

    Hope this helps!

  • Dannyzigg,

    I'm guessing what you've been doing here. Instead of having your character Spawn the bullet use the System Create Object instead.... The Spawn command causes the new object to inherit its parent's characteristics and that overrides (by design) any changes you try and make at the same time.

  • angelkom,

    I think that Brashmonkey has summed up most things you can try. So I don't know if this will help....

    I'm developing using an old laptop from the last decade (feels like the last century) and I find each game I'm working on becomes painfully jerky if I have webgl enabled (even before I add any shader effects - so none of my games use it at present). The fps doesn't seem to drop below 60 but it's obvious that the extra maths is killing my graphics driver. Maybe something similar is happening here - if not webgl, it could be the increase in video processing required by the larger image files. If you're running Windows 8 then your computer is probably modern, but is the graphics driver powerful? Aside from suggesting you try and disable webgl, maybe try a different computer/browser and see if that improves things? Also, although 2048 square is the largest recommended size for an image, I have found that my wheezing old machine slows down with anything at or above 1024 square.

    Hope this helps...

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  • Sushin,

    Glad you fixed it - I think I'm going to re-read the event section of the manual as well. It's interesting that such an apparently logical step could cause such a glitch. Every day's a school day...

  • Yeah - not sure what's going on there. I couldn't get it to do anything with the loops properly separated. Some logic checks are obviously being missed by C2 and I'm struggling to identify a fix. Sorry to not be of more help...

  • Is this the sort of thing you're after?

  • Deleted for duplication

  • Sushin,

    I think I've fixed it! Please bear in mind that I'm not sure of what effect you were trying to achieve, but it definitely does some good enemy AI type stuff now... The fix I found involved combining the enemy conditions into two groups, one For Each Enemies / IsAlert and one For Each Enemies / IsAlert(not).

    I've come across similar logic inconsistencies as this in the past in C2 and they are always infuriating to figure or work-around (most have been my own doing, I must confess!). I thought what you had should have worked but I suspect C2 didn't like the multiple checks of each state (although my version uses 2 check loops of each Enemies group).

    Here's my edited Capx so you can see what I've done. I haven't commented it but the group amalgamation should be kind of obvious. Hope this helps!