Cipriux's Forum Posts

  • miketv You can search (or post) job offers here on Scirra Also search for freelance sites like oDesk, freelance and make an account there. I once put my game on FLG and someone contacted me to make some games. Important is to first have a small portfolio with games having nice looking graphics (2-3 games). Some people here on Scirra also publish to different sites or find sponsorship...but I don't have any experience with that. At oDesk I had to start working for almost free projects just to start with some good reviews. My advice is to start with the lowest price you can afford to survive..and increase the price until you see too many refusals...then you are in balance with your quality/price

  • JLH1964 I am very disappointed with ads in C2+CocoonJS...I wasted weeks of troubleshooting and recompiling. Ads not showing for banners, no interstitial. I wish Scirra [EDIT:Ludey actually] give back my precious time wasted trying to get the ads working...When things are not working as supposed might thing you have bad luck...when in fact you depend on others for your luck... My advice is to buy the license but don't expect to ear money from freelancing for html5 or sell to iOS

  • The same thing happened to me. I compiled with 2.0.2 and I see banner ads only 1 every 10 game launches

  • After reading that some users had no problems with ads using 2.0.2 I decided to recompile my games but now is even worse. I only see a banner once every 10 game launches. I used the exact tutorial from AndreasR. I don't know...maybe there are no ads to show in my country at certain times. Can anyone test my game please

  • igalencar you can use a single MoPub/AdMob ad unit for all your games if you want. Is not against AdMob policy. Also...about MoPub several weeks ago MoPub remobed 2 of my games but they notify me by email before. I am waiting for Crosswalk to integrate Ads and leave MoPub and CocoonJS

    • Post link icon

    Great news. I am looking forward to buy a working mobile template that has Leaderboard, Achivements, IAP and Social integration (perhaps Facebook and Twitter)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Did anyone use an updated plugin? Ludei also changed the SDK so the plugin needs updated



    Updated MoPub SDK to latest version

    Fixed problem where AdMob would not show ads sometimes

    Fixed fullscreen AdMob ads

    Fixed multiple ad instances

  • ubuntuonline I am also frustrated with C2. I have 1.5 years experience on it, and made some $ as a freelancer, but I have to reject a lot of clients that ask a mobile version + ad support. I am still making games in C2 but I also learn Unity3d + C# which is a awesome and powerful engine. (Unity3d can also make 2d games). Learning Java will only help you make Android games (and apps), learning Unity + C# (or JavaScript) you will be able to export to all mobile platforms + Xbox and PlayStation. The downside : many months of learning, but the community there is 100 times larger and 100 more clients are looking for Unity developers (on oDesk at least). Whatever you do, it will always be some frustration on the road:) . another downside is that Unity is an expensive engine $1500+ but you can also use the free version to build games. You will have some shaders disabled and Unity splash at the beginning of the game (like the crappy CocoonJS).

  • monitz87 You can try a different movement method, like farflamex suggested. Try out my modified version html

  • russpuppy Yes, I receive an email notification ...but did not pay attention at the time

    [quote:35p01heg]Dear Publisher,

    You previously informed MoPub that one or more of your applications or sites is targeted at children under 13 years of age, as defined under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. You indicated this when adding your application or site to the MoPub Marketplace or Ad Serving program. You answered "Yes" to the "COPPA" question "Is your app targeted at 13 year olds or younger?"

    With our recent updates to the MoPub Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Program Policies, MoPub is discontinuing support of self-identified children's apps and sites registered through the MoPub website. Our updated Terms of Service require that publishers represent and warrant that:

    (i) No site or application within your Customer Network is a website or online service directed to children, as defined under the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA"), and (ii) You will not transmit any "Personal Information" (as defined under COPPA) about or relating to an individual under the age of 13 to MoPub.

    See section 4(h) of the updated Terms of Service, under the heading "Child-Directed Sites or Apps," at

    We are hereby giving you notice that MoPub will be suspending your self-identified children's apps and sites as of the close of business on Friday May 16, 2014.

    If you mistakenly answered "Yes" to the "COPPA" question for your app or site, use this form to let us know by no later than close of business on Wednesday April 30, 2014. However, please keep in mind that we reserve the right to suspend your use of MoPub in our discretion.


    1355 Market Street, Suite 900

    San Francisco, CA 94103

    I received the email on 29 April at 22:24 and I had only 1 day to fix it

    [quote:35p01heg]If you mistakenly answered "Yes" to the "COPPA" question for your app or site, use this form to let us know by no later than close of business on Wednesday April 30, 2014. However, please keep in mind that we reserve the right to suspend your use of MoPub in our discretion.

  • russpuppy actually they deleted my games not because of a bug...but they said my game is targeted for children under 13 years old. They quoted from their Terms of service

    "(i) No site or application within your Customer Network is a website or online service directed to children, as defined under the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA"), and (ii) You will not transmit any "Personal Information" (as defined under COPPA) about or relating to an individual under the age of 13 to MoPub. "

    I don't understand exactly what is that all about.

  • russpuppy same thing happened to 2 out of my 3 games. MoPub decided to delete them . I had to re-add them and resubmit to Ludei with the new ID

  • I still think C2 is an awesome tool, but without monetization options it's just a quick testing platform. Crosswalk is promising in the future for Android, Ejecta I heard is doing ok...but is too much trial and error to make a final "product" working

  • CocoonJS suck...better have a slower performance that works on every device then a 60FPS game that receive 1 star from 90% of users. I moved to Unity...Bye bye C2

  • did you manage to get interstitial ads to show? For me it shows only the first time and not even a single time afterthat. I use preload fullscreen ad every 15 sec + "on fullscreen ready"->show fullscreen ad. I tested in C2 168 and 171 with official cocoonjs (used without on "fullscreen ready" , since it does not exist)and the new plugin . Compiler 2.0.1