Cipriux's Forum Posts

  • Why would anyone use pirate or upside-down English?

  • This "Wait for signal" action is great for 2 things: it runs even if timescale is 0 and it remembers SOL. But to me it seems more like a condition than an action

    rexrainbow I will really love to see your plugin "Instance Group" as a official plugin. If not having all the union/complement/intersection at least 2 actions Save and Retrieve SOL. Cool plugin, but I guess with the new "Wait for signal" it can do some actions on the same specific SOL

  • Ok , but nobody uses Phonegap here on Scirra...since XDK has such a better performance, And Ashley will deprecate export to old XDk

  • is your plugin working with Intel XDK? If so, do you have some instructions on how to integrate them with XDK? Thanks

  • cranberrygame Cool. Keep up the good work

  • cranberrygame Any chance of making a facebook plugin? (I see facebook option on Intel XDK Cordova plugin list)I mean...when a player makes a hiscore or pass a level to share on their wall. That will be a great way to promote our games. Also a twitter integration would be nice.

    So far I am using Phonegap AdMop and I'm very happy with it, it just works.

  • IntelRobert Thanks for all your great info.

    Where can I read more info about plugins. What is the diference between "Core Cordova plugins" and "Intel XDK Codrova plugins" I compiled my game with all plugins disabled and the game is working including audio.

    And if I select a Phonegap plugin from here Is this considered a 3rd party plugin? They are self-explanatory by the name..but confusing, since Construct 2 users are used to use a plugin by importing them to Construct 2 project.

    Can't XDK detect if a certain plugin is used in C2 project and self-select it?

    Many thanks for the great job with XDK

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  • Well...I finally got banners and interstitials to work with Crosswalk. more Ludey splash and MoPub. For who is not up to date, XDK can use phonegap plugins. I'm not on expert on XDk and Phonegap but managed to have AdMob ads working on my game in 30 minutes. I used Phonegap AdMob plugin (costs $8)

  • cranberrygame Just manged to test your Phonegap AdMob plugin and I am really happy that ads just work now (compared to CocoonJS).

    Can you explain please what is the difference between preload and refresh ad? What is the best action to make sure the ad is preloaded: preload or refresh?

    On your test capx, if I press ShowFullScreenAd button I get a fullscreen ad the first time, but any press after that will show no ad. I have to either preload or refresh ad and then the ads is showing

    One more thing: reading the README.TXT file I got confused about using config.xml, phonegap cli, or export for phonegap. If I use (new) XDK , do I need to worry about those tings?

    Thanks again for your great work. finally I got AdMob ads working

  • Excal, I am on the learning curve with Unity right now

  • Thanks for the info. Does it also zipalign the apk?

  • BUMP

  • If i check the option for XDK to sign the game, what kind of signature it gives? A debug signature? I don't see an option to link my keystore file for a proper signature . I admit I didn't look too hard:)

  • Fill rate should be above 90% but for the last 30 days MoPub give me a lazy 50% fill rate decreasing for the last 14 days to 40%. AdMob instead shows me a fill rate of 95-100% which means it has ads to display every time MoPub make a request....the problem is that when my Game make a request to MoPub it fails to display an ad 50% of the time. (Or at least they are redirecting my requests to they own benefits/ad account). MoPub behaves like the government

  • I don't understand why you say that Interstitial are "web ads"? At some extent, all are web ads, since banner and interstitial provide a clickable link to a app/game. Clicking on an ad do not send you to a web page, but to the app store. They are more specifically mobile ads . I don't think fill rate for interstitial are greater for interstitial than banner. Request count/display count=fill rate. For a banner ad to display, it takes a fraction of the time needed for a fullscreen 30 seconds video to load and display... so chances are interstitial can have a worse fill rate if you not properly loaded before display them. I think you are referring to CTR rate (number of user clicks/ad display). From what I can see in my AdMob account interstitial have better chances of a click...and have a CTR of 5-10% but banner have 0.2-0.7% CTR. CTR combined with fill rate and other factors result in RPM (revenue per thousand impressions). It depends on the type of game, but for example I have for the last 6 months an average of $0.40 RPM for banners and $2.40 RPM for interstitial.