Cipriux's Forum Posts

  • No problem Semo

    The more I try to do stuff with Construct the more I realise I do not understand it :(

  • Semo   I don't understand what you want to ask.The animation is inside the sprite "bug". Right click on the sprite and select "edit animation". Did you open my capx file? or you have an older version of Construct?

  • Semo Thank you for you suport.

    I the bug sprite has 2 animations: normal and infected. When I create the bug tjey all have the first animation, but afterthat i pick the bug with IID(instance ID) 0 and change the amination to infected :)

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • thank you, I tried your idea and it's working <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • nice not perfect but worth a shoot.

    Thank you, I will try that

  • sorry for the late response.

    Actualy the ball idea is an abstract of my game. Here is another abstract test example with 10 bugs.

    One of the bugs is infected and want to infect the others.

    The idea with the bugs will work on my curent project(Pipe Mania clone). Each pipe has colision squares so I can check if they are put in the right position starting prom the water tap(not in the game right now)by default the collision squares have instance variable touched=false only the watertap has the collision square instance variable set to true.

    So if the object with the variable "touched=true"is touching other objects with "touched=false" i want to change the value tu "true".

  • Semo, here is a quick example

  • Semo can I use only one type of object instead of two types?

    Lets say when I create the bugs the first bug with UID=0 has the instance variable infected=true and the other 9 has infected=false.

    When the bug with variable infected=true collide with bug that has the variable infested=false I want to change from false to true.

    How can I do that ?

  • I have 10 bugs that are movin around and collide with each other. One of them have the instance variable Infected = true and 9 of them Infected=false

    How can I spread the disease every time the infected bug collide with other noninfected bugs?

    In other words: How can I modify the instance variable of the bug colliding with the infected bug ?

  • ...but realise I want a little more than that: how can I select the balls that are overlapping or collided with an inflated Ball ?...I want to inflate the other balls that collide with the inflated ball and deflate the balls that are collide with the deflated balls.


  • Thank you ... it works <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • I search the formum for a similar problem...bun I did not find the answer.

    I have 10 instances of type : Ball, and they have the variable Inflated=true or Inflated=false

    How ca I select only the Balls that are inflated?

    I tried using System: Ball.Inflated = 1 to select de inflated balls....but it selects all the balls.

    Any ideas.?


  • I will do that in the future,@7Soul. Thanks

  • 7Soul you are right. I put the condition for dummy object to overlap itself instead of the game board. I did not see that. Thank you <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello,

    First of all I am glad to join the Scirra community. Now I am working on my first project: a "Pipe Mania" clone

    I used Construct 2 for the last 30 days a lot, I read the entire manual and read many topics on the forum.

    I love Construct 2 , BUT it's hard sometimes to understand how the events are going to behave.

    For example: in my test project I use a dummy object to attatch to the in/out openings of the pipe. If the dummy objects overlaps, I know the pipe is fitted OK. In my example,at the start of layout the dummy are invisible but if the condition is true they become visible. But there is a problem: The condition supposed to trigger only in the condition "pipe IS overlapping game_board" and affect ONLY the objects selected by the condition. But instead, the dummyes from outside of the game_board are effected. Can someone explain what is the logic behind that?

    How to affect only the object selected by the condition?

    I use v120.2, personal licence