Crosswalk Intel XDK experiences

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  • If i check the option for XDK to sign the game, what kind of signature it gives? A debug signature? I don't see an option to link my keystore file for a proper signature . I admit I didn't look too hard:)

  • bscarl88 as long as you name the project in xdk the same as before it should work or atleast it did for me

  • and how do you sign an apk yourself? is there a simple tool to do this or you have to type line commands ?

  • you need android sdk for that, but the signing of xdk is not a debug signature, i uploaded a few apks to production in google play using xdk signing with no problems.

  • If i check the option for XDK to sign the game, what kind of signature it gives? A debug signature? I don't see an option to link my keystore file for a proper signature . I admit I didn't look too hard:)

    It always sign it for release not debug. The signature is unique to your email/ID that you register with XDK, so it can be used to update your apps later as well.

  • Thanks for the info. Does it also zipalign the apk?

  • I downgraded to old version:


    No problem with touch back or loadUrl for crosswalk export

  • and how do you sign an apk yourself? is there a simple tool to do this or you have to type line commands ?

    Get the android sdk and java sdk..

    The command lines are:

    keytool -genkey -v -keystore C:\YOURPATH\YOURAPP_DEBUG.keystore -alias YOURUSER -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

    keytool -genkey -v -keystore C:\YOURPATH\YOURAPP_PRODUCTION.keystore -alias YOURUSER -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

    jarsigner -verbose -keystore C:\YOURPATH\YOURAPP_PRODUCTION.keystore -storepass YOURPASSW -keypass YOURPASSW C:\YOURPATH\YOURAPP.apk YOURUSER


    Once you have a key you just need to sign and zipalign....

  • Thanks for the info. Does it also zipalign the apk?

    Signed & zipaligned, ready for upload to Google Store.

  • and how do you sign an apk yourself? is there a simple tool to do this or you have to type line commands ? ... id-app-apk

    Read this <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • status update: Dean has been working on the back button, but hasn't found the problem yet.

    For the backbutton issue, give me another day to find out. The fix only requires an update to our server so it will be quick after they find the problem.

    > IntelRobert Do you know if there is going to be a fix for this any time soon, should we revert back to an older version?


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  • If you send email to , they will either send you the keys from the old app and you can sign yourself, or you can ask them to use whatever keys you want for the new app.

    > Managed to finally get my existing C2 build with crosswalk created. The upgrade of my xdk project may have been the issue, but not really sure. Just created a new Intel XDK project then export C2 build to the www folder again and it worked.


    What if this happens after you've already built your project and put it on the app store? From my experience, starting a new project from scratch changes the signing, and you can't update your current app anymore, unless I just did it wrong

  • is it possible that no one came up with a tool to do this signing & aligning automatically without having to type all the command lines?

    quick search: i found this tool

  • well yeah, it's called XDK, why not let it sign it for you?

  • if XDK would generate the keyfile and you can download that it would be no problem. However what would happen if you wanted to redo the app in another sdk. without keyfile you can't update

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