Crosswalk Intel XDK experiences

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  • I don't think you need icons, but I will test again to make sure.

    You don't need any of the 'intel XDK Cordova plugins'. The plugins you might need are described and they are all located under 'core cordova plugins'

    I was finally successful to build crosswalk game with XDK. Looks like you have to include Icons from now on. In previous build default Intel icons were used automatically. Now if you don't include your own icons, you would not be able to make a build.

    But still need to ask "what's the difference between "Core Cordova Plugins" and "Intel XDK Cordova Plugins"? Which one should I use?"

  • I tested again without icons and splash screens and it works for me. Can the people who are having problems building PM me? Include your XDK username and app name. It's hard to tell from the forum who is stuck.

    So I added the icons and splash screens in the project area and had a successful build, but I thought I'd get an email with the link to download the apk so I just closed the XDK.

    After realizing I didn't get the mail I reopened the XDK (had to relogin for some reason), and when I tried to build using the existing code i got the build failed error.

  • For the back button, are you saying that 'back' exits the program, but you want to keep it running and be able to come to the same point?

    I didn't change much.

    In the permission tab i have only:

    In app browser and splash-screen enabled (but previous exports with more permission worked as well, so i don't your problem is there)

    In the build tab under android-crosswalk:

    I filled in the normal values for app id/name/desc etc.

    The app version and version code i had to change on the second export so google play will let me upload the file.

    Domain access i left with *

    and cli version with 3.3

    I checked the full screen box

    orientation: landscape

    install location: default

    i check the signed box

    and i used crosswalk beta

    I also uploaded icons and splash screen images (all images must be located inside the www directory of the project before selecting them.

    That's it.

    As for exiting the app with the back button, that's another strange thing, it exits with the back button regardless to any events calling it, i think it's something new and built-in xdk, i have only one layout in this project, so i don't have any events to switch layouts on back button or anything, but i believe if i did, it would close the app as well, which is not a good thing at all...

    Just to make it clear, i have an event on back button/touch sprite - browser close.

    This event only works if var canPlay = 0

    but it closes the apps even when this var is = 1

    I hope this helps you guys.

  • IntelRobert

    No, i am saying events that calls the back button or open a url (both on the browser object, so there might be something in general with that plugin) are not being performed at all.

    The back button seems to quit the app, regardless to any events or what layout you're in.

    I tried both stable and beta version, but i am guessing it got something to do with permissions.

    I went over the list of the android permission, but i couldn't find anything related to that.

  • KFC Sometimes the email takes a while to get to your inbox, but you can always go to the build screen and click the green arrow on the left to redownload the latest build, assuming it was built.

  • The previous XDK version, the back button did nothing by default, you had to put in the Browser object and use On Back Button trigger to close the app or bring up a menu asking for confirmation.

    That would be best, quitting by default without a notification to confirm it is really awkward for users.

  • I just noticed, when i run the app in the emulate tab, i receive this message:

    Missing API Emulation


    when i try to click on the exit button i get:

    Missing API Emulation


    and when i click on a link i get:

    Missing API Emulation


  • Urgh, getting constant struggles with Intel XDK now.

    After being unable to build my app, I decided to fully reinstall Intel XDK, recreate the app from a blank file, and set it all up again. The build process then worked, or so I thought. Emulation was running perfectly. Everything finished uploading and building, I got my download link, installed the apk on my phone, but when I tried to run it, I got the error "Application Error (file:///android_asset/www/index.html)". I unpacked the apk and it turns out that there are no assets in the www folder!

    Back in the XDK, I tried moving all the files to the root (instead of /www), but then the emulation can't find the files at all ("404: Intel XDK can't find your app".

    Also, I'm getting the same emulation errors as Lof. This whole thing is a huge mess.

    EDIT: Okay, it looks like I was a little overzealous with the axing of permissions. The building seems to be working fine now, but the emulation errors are still there. It also seems like all browser-related action (which generate errors in the emulation) aren't firing at all in the built app.

  • I get that emulation error too Lof ...

    Missing API Emulation


    I had no luck still building even with moving the assets anyway.

    I will just stick with build 0876 for now.

  • and when i click on a link i get:

    Missing API Emulation


    I have the same problem too.

    I searched on XDK Documentation ( with "App.loadUrl" but nothing...

  • managed to get my game to build now

    started a new project in xdk and it now builds

    getting the same errors in the emulator

  • So after updating an old project to the newer XDK version you apparently need to reupload the code for the project in order to be able to build the app. I had one more old project that I tested this on and it worked, didn't need to upload icons or anything.

    And I did eventually get the emails with the download links.

  • Neither did I, I pretty much looked everywhere possible

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  • Thanks for the clarification. I have reproduced the problem with a simple test case and we are working on it.


    No, i am saying events that calls the back button or open a url (both on the browser object, so there might be something in general with that plugin) are not being performed at all.

    The back button seems to quit the app, regardless to any events or what layout you're in.

    I tried both stable and beta version, but i am guessing it got something to do with permissions.

    I went over the list of the android permission, but i couldn't find anything related to that.

  • I'm getting the exact Missing API Emulation errors. I've posted on the Intel XDK forums. Hopefully, someone will shed us some light.

    The link is here if others with the same issue wants to follow. ... =31&t=6904

    "I was making a reply to another post but somehow it ended up here?!!?"

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