Crosswalk Intel XDK experiences

  • Hey guys, i build an APK for my reflex game and it worked almost fine except some sound delays. BUT, i add webstorage to the game and build it again without major changes and it runs like old Charlie Chaplin movies, fps is incredibly low.

    I will try to figure it out and post the problem & solution (i hope) about it. I don't think it's the game itself because as i told there isn't any major changes except webstorage as i see.

  • Well unfortunately i was right, i added an event on back button when canPlay = 1

    to pause the game and show the exit button, but it closes the app.

  • IntelRobert

    Any comments on the subject?

  • RookieDev

    Hey, Nope sorry. It doesn't work with Crosswalk. I think I've checked all combinations in XDK and still can't build anything - even with C2 blank and mew project file.

  • Ive Managed to get a Very Very Stable build while using XDK Crosswalk. Thank you for helping me and posting exactly how you came up with your stable build.

    shinkan i did get it to work just by going through the list that Lof posted.

    I take back everything i said about XDK,This is by far the best export we have right now! my game is running so smooth i cant even believe it!

  • Ive Managed to get a Very Very Stable build while using XDK Crosswalk. Thank you for helping me and posting exactly how you came up with your stable build.

    shinkan i did get it to work just by going through the list that Lof posted.

    I take back everything i said about XDK,This is by far the best export we have right now! my game is running so smooth i cant even believe it!

    XDK is very good, it handles massive asset games excellent and its been like that since March but many of us are waiting for proper AdMob & IAP and it looks to be finally here. I'm hoping its just a matter of C2 updating to support it and we're there.

    A few more advantages for XDK:

    1. Much faster load times for games with lots of art of music

    2. It handles different device resolution really well due to proper support of letterbox scaling

    3. Not many permissions by default

    4. Intel team behind it as well as Google behind chromium engine.

    5. Compatible with text input boxes, XML and lots of other features.

    Anyway, congrats on getting your game to work on mobiles!

  • RookieDev No problem, glad i could help.

  • XDK is very good, it handles massive asset games excellent and its been like that since March but many of us are waiting for proper AdMob & IAP and it looks to be finally here. I'm hoping its just a matter of C2 updating to support it and we're there.

    Silverforce did you managed to get admob working?

  • > XDK is very good, it handles massive asset games excellent and its been like that since March but many of us are waiting for proper AdMob & IAP and it looks to be finally here. I'm hoping its just a matter of C2 updating to support it and we're there.


    Silverforce did you managed to get admob working?

    Not with XDK yet since they just released it and I dont think C2 is updated yet to handle Cordova plugin functions of Xwalk/XDK.

    Its working on/off on CocoonJS. If you are struggling with it, definitely check out ArcadeEd's video tutorials on monetization.

  • Not with XDK yet since they just released it and I dont think C2 is updated yet to handle Cordova plugin functions of Xwalk/XDK.

    Its working on/off on CocoonJS. If you are struggling with it, definitely check out ArcadeEd's video tutorials on monetization.

    Do you have the link?

  • >

    > Not with XDK yet since they just released it and I dont think C2 is updated yet to handle Cordova plugin functions of Xwalk/XDK.


    > Its working on/off on CocoonJS. If you are struggling with it, definitely check out ArcadeEd's video tutorials on monetization.


    Do you have the link?

    His post is there, the link is in the signature.

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  • Ok, thanks im gonna search it.

    About this plugin, work with XDK or i need use it CocoonJS ?


    > > And, another Question, about run an app in background, im making a podometer, but when the app is minimizing or block the phone, the app is in Pause.

    > >

    > > Any help about this !?

    > >


    > any idea about this !?


    you can fix with the support for cordova plug-ins if you read this thread from start you can found a message related to make control of the state of the android when the application not are in first plane

  • been trying all day can't get anything to build

  • I was finally successful to build crosswalk game with XDK. Looks like you have to include Icons from now on. In previous build default Intel icons were used automatically. Now if you don't include your own icons, you would not be able to make a build.

    But still need to ask "what's the difference between "Core Cordova Plugins" and "Intel XDK Cordova Plugins"? Which one should I use?"

  • So I added the icons and splash screens in the project area and had a successful build, but I thought I'd get an email with the link to download the apk so I just closed the XDK.

    After realizing I didn't get the mail I reopened the XDK (had to relogin for some reason), and when I tried to build using the existing code i got the build failed error.

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