> > Everythink works for me, even admob Thank you very much Intel!
> >
> How do you get AdMob to work with C2 & XDK?
> There's no XDK plugin for C2 yet?
Raiper341 Do share how you got admob working.
Nothing special, I only use this and theese nstrcutions: because this link of plugin is only interstitial ads
Thanks. I saw that, but I just need banner ads & IAP. Hopefully C2 is updated with an XDK plugin that gives us these options.
Edit: I prefer to use an official Scirra supported plugin cos I feel games that I make would be for long term and they need to be updated & compatible later down the road. So as a mobile dev, we already have to deal with 3rd party wrappers, I don't want to deal with 4th party plugins being compatible between C2 & 3rd party wrappers. If you get what I mean.