— I don't understand why you say that Interstitial are "web ads"? At some extent, all are web ads, since banner and interstitial provide a clickable link to a app/game. Clicking on an ad do not send you to a web page, but to the app store. They are more specifically mobile ads . I don't think fill rate for interstitial are greater for interstitial than banner. Request count/display count=fill rate. For a banner ad to display, it takes a fraction of the time needed for a fullscreen 30 seconds video to load and display... so chances are interstitial can have a worse fill rate if you not properly loaded before display them. I think you are referring to CTR rate (number of user clicks/ad display). From what I can see in my AdMob account interstitial have better chances of a click...and have a CTR of 5-10% but banner have 0.2-0.7% CTR. CTR combined with fill rate and other factors result in RPM (revenue per thousand impressions). It depends on the type of game, but for example I have for the last 6 months an average of $0.40 RPM for banners and $2.40 RPM for interstitial.