I will be frank, forgive me if its seems harsh.
There are so many poorly optimized assets (almost every single art asset is poorly optimized for mobiles!), your game would probably take >400MB of ram on mobiles with CJS and crash on a lot of devices.
Just one example, your Laser Beam asset is a 5 frames of 710 x 20 pixels told to loop 30(!!) times per second. The amount of overdraw is horrendous for mobiles.
You have to think of what each art will be when its actually in the GPU as a texture.
Your Laser Beam, each frame occupies a 1024 x 1024 texture, because its width is too large for the next one down 512 x 512, it has to go to the next one up, 1024 x 1024. That's 4MB of texture memory for that single frame. Not only that, the entire frame is mostly empty and overdrawn (1024 x 1024 textures 30 times per second!). Just that laser beam by itself would kill performance on a lot of devices.
Another asset, your Explosion sprite (exsplosion) is 89 FRAMES! The problem with this is a lot of them are slightly larger than 128 pixels in dimension, so they occupy 256 x 256 texture and again, large areas of it is wasted on overdraw! A single 256 x 256 texture is 256 x 256 x 4 = 262kB of memory, with all your frames, that single explosion is 20MB of memory.
Your ingame background is 1280 x 720p, its the same mistake I did in my first game, making a single large BG, but the mistake here is going above 1024 width. Now that BG is a 2048 x 2048 texture in the GPU OR 16MB of memory. Your menu screen is the same, a 1282 x 722 image, but a 9-patch (not a sprite). I don't know if CJS can handle 9-patch that big as a 2048 x 2048 texture, it would be a black or white texture if it cannot handle it, or even crash.
I think I will write a tutorial to help other mobile devs when I get time, but you CANNOT make a mobile game like this. It won't work and even the best device will struggle to run it or even load it at all.
For now, just know this basic:
All images go into memory as textures, by the power of two sizes only.
16 x 16 = 1KB ram
32 x 33 = 4KB ram
64 x 64 = 16KB ram
128 x 128 = 65KB ram
256 x 256 = 262KB ram
512 x 512 = 1MB ram
1024 x 1024 = 4MB ram
2048 x 2048 = 16MB ram
Never go beyond 2048, many devices will crash since they cannot handle it. Most PCs can handle up to 4096 x 4096 (but some older ones cannot!).
Always try to ensure your sprites take the smallest texture as possible. Never have a thin line (laser) that's very long that it has to go into a massive texture. Make it as a 128 x 128 and stretch it out, change its width to whatever you need but the sprite itself is still 128 x 128.
Also, CJS doesn't support text boxes with input. Only normal text object, but it handles it very poorly if you update your text often. I highly suggest you look up Spritefont usage for your mobile games, its faster & it looks properly on mobiles (not all devices will have the font you specify, PCs have heaps of fonts, mobiles do not!).