Chezzy's Forum Posts

  • Yep definitely, my aim is to add detail to every little corner of the game. Things like rocks and patches of plant growth, fungus and webs etc. And more leet rock pillars

  • Hi everybody!

    (hi dr nick)

    I've been working on a game for... 2 days now. It's called Chasm, and it's gonna be good.

    It's a remake of a very old game I made a few years ago using Megazeux. That game was extremely hard and not very good, however it looked nice and had some good ideas. This remake will lower the difficulty, and build on those ideas.

    Chasm will be a 2d platformer action adventure game. The story is this: You (the player) are a slave miner in an immense network of caves deep underground. Your masters rule over you with an iron fist, armed with electric batons and coil machine guns. But you don't want to work as a slave in the mines until you die. One day, at the opportune moment, you strike back against the guard with your pickaxe, killing him, and run into the darkness of the mines. From then on, you are wanted. Your aim is to fight your way out of the caves to the surface. You don't know what's up there, but you have to take the chance for freedom.

    In the caves you'll fight spiders and bats, and also the human enemies out to get you. The original Mzx game had 3 weapons (pickaxe, gun and grenades). The new version will probably add alot more.

    Now, this is in the creations forum, so I better show you what I've created!

    I've knuckled down to try and get what I've made to a presentable and playable standard that will hint at what the game will be like. I'm fairly pleased with what I've produced. Here's the .cap: (updated)

    The controls: Left/right to move, Z to jump, up/down to climb ladders.

    Tell me what you think! I've created this thread to give me some pressure and some motivation to keep working on it, and I'd love to hear your criticism.

    Oh, and here's a screenshot. (updated)

    <img src="">

  • Ah. That was easy. You can probably tell now that I'm quite new to this

    Thanks so much!

  • Literally. I'm having a big problem with some player animations. The nature of the game is that you can customise your player's clothing, meaning that there are different animations for the legs, feet, hands, body and head.

    However, as can be seen in the .cap, the player slightly breaks up when he moves. It's a small effect but it's very noticeable. Does anyone out there know a way to fix this easily?

    heres the cap:

  • Thanks so much! It seems so obvious to me now. I've been away from Construct for a while and it looks like I've forgotten a few things. Thanks again

  • Sorry to bump this so early but I am honestly stumped trying to fix this myself. It doesn't look like a difficult problem for someone in the know to figure out. Please help!

  • Hi everyone, I need some help. I'm working on a game and at the moment I'm in the animation stage. I'm working on animating the players legs at the moment but for some reason it doesn't work properly when you walk diagonally. See for yourself, here's the cap:

    wasd to "move".

    edit: fixed link

  • I'm making some sprites in the sprite editor for my project, but I've run into an annoying problem. I've drawn with smooth mode on, and when I fill in the middle there are transparent lines around the edge. This is of course because of the anti-aliasing. My question is, is there any way to flood fill a sprite with colour that won't create this effect? Failing that, I'd be happy to draw the object with smooth mode off, fill it, and then anti-alias the whole sprite, but I can't find an option for this.

    Here's a picture to better explain my problem:

    <img src="">

  • Ah I see. Yes it was on 10x10, that must be why it was lagging so much. I probably don't need the grid to be that small, the smallest passages are 64 wide.

    edit: Ok I changed the grid to 40x40 and it seems to have fixed the getting stuck problem. It's fixed the lag problem too, however when I go around the corner I sometimes get alot of lag. Is there no way at all to solve this?

  • I've just returned to making my game after a long period away from construct, so I've forgotten a few things.

    The problems I have at the moment are with the RTS object. I want pathfinding for the enemies in my game, but they keep getting stuck on walls and such. It also lags like crazy when I have any number of them more than 5.

    Here's my cap file:

  • Why did the Siamese twins go to America?

    So the other one could drive.

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  • Thanks Deadeye, with a little tweaking of your cap I've got it working just the way I need it. Thank you too Euphronios, I'm sure yours was just as helpful.

  • I'm having a problem with an animation in my game. Whenever I press to crouch, it doesn't play the full animation. Here's the cap:

    Walk is left/right arrow, crouch is down arrow.

  • Thanks, it did the trick

    Learning more about Construct everyday.

  • I've made a fancy blood engine, but I'm having problems with it. The blood is created on top of everything else, including the player. How do I make it spawn under the player and the circle, but above the background?


    edit: reuploaded