Chezzy's Forum Posts

  • Ok, I've run into another snag. It's quite a simple one this time, I just really don't understand how to make the bullet object work with the "instant hit" command set on. Can anyone tell what I'm missing?

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  • Wow. You have just made my job so much easier than it would have been! I'll make sure to credit you R0J0hound, when this is done. Thanks so much, I thought I'd be stuck on that problem forever!

    Well, now that's all cleared up, I'll do some finishing touches on it and update the.cap in the OP.

  • Well, I tried your code R0J0hound, but nothing happens.

    Here, check my .cap, see what I'm doing wrong:

    Press right ctrl and an arrow key to fire in that direction. At the moment, you can only fire up.

  • Ok, no update today but I am stuck. I'm trying to create quite a complex calculation and I haven't the slightest idea how to put it into an event.

    What I want is: To find the nearest "zombiebox" sprite which is overlapping "player1cone" sprite, AND is in line of sight of "player1box". When found, "player1" creates a sprite, "bullet", and bullet sets it's angle towards the sprite "zombiebox".

    Any idea how to put this into a single event?

  • Thanks for the tip tulamide I've updated the code.

  • Update!

    I've completed the day and night effects, and done some more sprites. The effects look quite nice, and really add to the atmosphere. I've updated the .cap in the first post, and also updated the screenshot.

    To see the effects more clearly, press T to speed up the timescale.

  • Thanks, that works perfectly

    I'm going out now, but when I get back I'll get started on some more game mechanics stuff. Next, I think I'll get started on weapons and items. Then I'll update the cap.

  • Ugh, that's the second time dropbox hasn't worked for me. I'll upload it with mediafire instead, check the first post again.

  • With help from your post Silent Cacophony, I've managed to fix the problem I've also upgraded my construct to the latest, which I somehow forgot to do.

    I now face another dilemma, but this thread was really just for those small problems and I'm moving on to different things in the game now. I've created a journal thread for my game in the 'Your Creations' board.

  • It's the zombie apocalypse.

    Yes, I know. It's been done a million times. But it's been done a million times as an arcade gorefest.

    I have a vision for a zombie survival game, where survival is the main focus, not seeing who can shoot the most targets. I envision a large open world, a city sprawling with infected but also full of much needed supplies. The city is surrounded by smaller suburbs of houses and backyards, and a dense forest surrounds this, scattered with hidden shacks for hiding out in. There is a day and night system, with I am Legend style infected who are vulnerable to sunlight, making day the time to scavenge for supplies and night the time to barricade yourself in, or fight the zombie hordes. There are vehicles, many weapons, an RPG style leveling system, and co-operative split screen play. This is the world I have planned for Virus Sector.

    *cue dramatic music*

    OK, so some history. I was actually working on another zombie game a while back which I also had a development thread for. The project fell over, mainly because I was focused heavily on visual things like lighting and effects, and doing all those instead of creating a working game first. I have high hopes for this project, as it's neatly planned out this time and I'm going to try to get all the main gameplay elements done first, so I can see what I'm working with.

    I made this development thread for 3 reasons:

    1. To showcase the game I'm making

    2. For my own motivation

    3. To get help from the Construct community when I get stuck.

    Now here's the cap: (updated with dropbox link, lets hope it works this time)


    Arrow keys: Move

    Press TAB to cutaway the buildings, to see behind them

    Press T to speed up time.

    A screenshot:

    <img src="">

    It's still not totally as detailed as I want it to be. This is just a basic image to give you the idea of what it will look like.

  • Thanks for the help guys, those problems are sorted now

    One problems persists however. When you are in a building, pressing tab won't chop the buildings in half. The effect will only happen when you leave the building. I've tried and tried and can't seem to find why this is happening.

    Here's the cap:

  • Hi, I have two problems in a game that I am working on, here's the cap:

    First problem: When you walk in the building (playerbox overlapping buildingfloor) both buildings become cutaway. I only want the building you're in to be cut away. How do I do this easily? Please keep in mind that there are going to be MANY buildings.

    Second problem: When you press tab the buildings get chopped in half, but pressing tab again doesn't bring them back to normal.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • People who have seen my Chasm thread would have seen this one.

    <img src="">

  • Sorry for the delay, I got a bit sidetracked. Here's an updated .cap: I've also updated the OP with the updated .cap.

    I've edited the animations so that they're more balanced. I've also added head bobbing. I hope the animations are acceptable now, as I want to move on to more gameplay orientated things (however, I may revisit the head bobbing if there is criticism of that)

    I have also changed the speeds of the player to be less jarring. Running is slightly slower than before, and climbing is slightly faster.

    Lastly, I've added more visual detail. I've updated the screenshot for those who just want to look. I won't stop there though, I want to fill the whole screen with lots of detail.

    To tackle next: Water and swimming

    Please, your opinions/thoughts/criticism!

    (PS: I do have a bug... for some reason the body and legs sometimes go out of proper sync in their animations, usually after jumping or falling. If anyone can find out the reason for this, I'd be grateful)

  • Thanks for the criticism. I'll edit the walking and climbing speed to be less jarring. I also see what you mean with the animation. I'll edit the walking animation to not look so unbalanced, in the legs at least for now.

    I'll have an updated cap up (hopefully) later today.