CF78's Forum Posts

  • wretchedshark That's a great and simple solution for the hud. Like I've suspected, I've been over thinking this..

    Thank you for your advise! I forget about viewing text and see what variables are being triggered.

  • Thank you for a quick response!

    I apologize for the wrong choice of words. What I meant by "getting crazy" is that the small hud hearts don't re-appear in the correct order of which they where taken away. (or set invisible)

    Is there a better way to pick them? I'm a noob, and try to only ask questions when I truly can't figure it out myself. Which is rare...

    When I think about it more, ironically I feel I'm over thinking it. I should just set an instance variable on the player that denotes the collection of the heart on collision, and a variable on the small heart for display in the hud.. If that makes any sense.

  • Hey guys & gals,

    Running into an issue with instances. Trying to wrap my head around the use of them, and began to try and make use of them within my project to increase the functionality of some of my mechanics.

    What I have going on is this:

    Player has to collect 5 hearts. On each collision with 1 of 5 hearts the heart becomes invisible and adds a visible heart to the "heart hud" area. This is working great. When I collide with an enemy the last heart collected reappears and the last "hud heart" is supposed to be removed as well. It works for the first 2 hearts, but then gets all crazy when you go beyond 2 or continually engage with an enemy. I have included a link to my .capx file. If anyone could help out and take a look at what I got and let me know if I'm handling this correctly that would be great.

    .capx file

    Link to actual game play issue :



  • I gotta admit, it's quite simple. I came to Construct 2 with zero game development experience, no programming experience (aside from front end web dev.) I looked at numerous gaming engines, and construct is by far the easiest to work with. Plus there is a TON of info on it.

    I recommend reading the entire manual, doing at least a couple tutorials (which will give you an idea of how to use the tool). Once the interface is more familiar to you, go to the forums "HOW DO I" section for a great list put together by Kyatric. Many members have offered up their files to show how to do a particular function. I encourage you to look through them.

    Good luck!

  • Dig the style for sure.. A bit tough to jump. I agree it needs more jump height. Other than that, it's awesome Keep up the good work!

  • Thanks ! I did do all the design thus far myself. I actually updated the DEMO with some of the sprites and animations I've been working on. Not perfect yet, but gives me a good idea of how it will look. Ooooh Jock sprites!? good idea!

    Thanks again

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Love the art style of this. Great game as well :)

  • Great use of the sketch effect. I was puzzled at first as to how you did it. I figured a ton of math and a bunch of drawing. Super clever! Really dig the style!

  • Great game play.. smooth and fluid! The time change aspect is a pretty neat idea. Can't wait to see more :)

  • Hey All,

    Spent a bunch of time going through a lot of the "How Do I" posts and found it rather informative. With that info I have rebuilt the mechanics for my game Emo Guy.

    Here is a link to the basics in action - DEMO

    Link to CAPX file

    At the moment for testing, the object of game is to find broken hearts (4 in total) as you collect them the world starts to become more and more colorful. On the last collection of a broken heart a section of the level is displayed to be able to complete (currently represented as a portal)

    Current game mechanics: (most of which I was able to find HERE thanks Kyatric for list!)

    • basic movement
    • ladder climb
    • climbable walls
    • checkpoints
    • item collect
    • sprint/boost
    • death from fall heights
    • portals
    • basic enemies with detection / follow (no damage as of yet)

    Things to work on:

    • artwork!!!
    • animations
    • cut scenes

    I am having one issue with the enemies on detection. The exclamation mark only displays on one enemy. I've tried 'for each' with no luck. I imagine I will need to define an instance var, and revisit this event later. In any event let me know what you think of it thus far.

  • Val Thank you for the kind words :) And thanks for the tip on where to post. I noticed that this thread seems to be overlooked.

  • Thank you Arima!

    "having an image where the actual pixels are rendered fully opaque but there appears to be a transparent object rendered in the image itself will be faster."

    exactly the info I was looking for :)

  • Good read. I agree with After searching around for something I could begin making games with (as a designer) I looked at Flixel first cause it seemed easier(AS vs Java and/or C++) but I ended up here, and was able to make something within a few hours. I'm sold. Once the word is out and more (completed) games are made, popularity will increase.

  • Is there a difference in performance using an animation with the transparency set to 60 over a sprite vs an animation that appears to have a transparent object in it. Like water flowing over rocks...? I searched around but only found references to sprites using too much transparent areas.


  • Wow! Patiently waiting a video... The art work is just plain awesome!