CF78's Forum Posts

  • I have been playing around with different techniques on producing dynamic shadows. The first method I tried was the canvas plugin, which works amazingly, but seems lack in performance when you begin adding more elements and events.

    I also read Rory's way of using a shadow sprite pinned to a caster object and setting its angle opposite to that of the player. I implemented this along with changing the size of the shadow based on a instance variable I place on the player called "shadowRange". Using some lerp & *dt I can change the size depending on the range (position) of the player. This works, but lacks the true responsiveness based on the players position due to the static nature of the instance variable.

    I imagine there is a way to "lerp" the players distance in relation to the shadows position to change it's size... If that makes sense.

    I have mocked up a little demo of what I was able to accomplish.. Shadows

    Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.



    <font color="red">EDIT:</font> I updated the file. I figured out how to do it, after realizing I answered my own question. With a little tweaking I think that could work out nicely as a way to produce dynamic looking shadows.

    Will update as I work on it further.

  • Something like this?

    If all else fails I would dissect an example capx of ladder climbing. Similar functions...

  • Hello!

    I'm Chris. I'm a 34 yr old graphic designer / illustrator. I have been playing games since the Atari days, and pushing pixels since v1 of Photoshop. My passion is to create. I recently started to get into the very basics of video game development/creation. I have been using Construct 2 for about 2 months now, and it's absolutely awesome for a guy like me.

    If anyone needs some answers or tips in the art department, I will do my best to assist. I'm hear to learn, share, and most importantly to have fun.

    Thank you to those whom have helped me thus far, and to the guys that made this great piece of software... You Rock! I look forward to helping out wherever I can.

    Chris Farina

  • Never mind. I found it in the "How Do I" links.

  • I was wondering how I would control the camera to zoom to a specific position of the layout.

    Basically I want to trigger an event, then zoom to specific location for a timed period, then reset camera to the player.

    I know you can set layout scale, but I'm confused on the syntax to scale to a specific layout location.



  • I had a similar question about UID and instances. Store the values in a dictionary. I created a demo of what I was working on to solve this.. it may help out - Demo

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  • Very interesting! All the little things that get overlooked seem to be the most powerful ;) Thanks for sharing!

  • I figured since Kyatric helped point in the right direction, that I would share how I implemented the use of a dictionary. Perhaps someone will find this useful as I did :)

    I simplified it best I could:

    -Player can collect set number of items statically placed on level by colliding and setting item invisible.

    -HUD shows number of items collected (in animation form)

    -Collide with enemy and last item collected is taken away and set visible AND HUD will take away last collection as well

    Link to file -

  • I'm digging the dictionary and UID functionality.

    One question:

    Am I able to use a single dictionary to hold multiple object/sprite UID's or is it best to just use a separate dictionary per object?

  • This is just plain sweet! Nice work!

  • I tried adding an "every tick, set animation to player at image point 0" instead of the pinning condition which helped a bit, but I think it has to do with the timed events and respective animations.. seems like the set "enable" platform is at the correct time but the animation is not being triggered at the same time. Which is causing the slide.

    Perhaps adding the key is down condition for right and left controls as a sub-event within your attacks would be the fix. Basically saying after the attack is triggered and it does all the stuff, then once it's done AND left or right key is down, then enable platform and play animations.

    If that makes sense...

  • haha Thanks anyways Whiteclaws. :)

  • Ah ha! It's all becoming clearer. Thank you for the example!!

  • Kyatric Thank you

    I do not understand

    AmmoDisplay : Pick instance with UID int(dicAmmo.Get("Ammo" & Ammo))

    Is that basically calling on the last AmmoDisplay.UID you stored in the dictionary and destroying it?

    I only ask cause I want to understand. I did't think to use a dictionary.


  • Thanks Whiteclaws! I'm looking more into picking. I think I know what you are talking about. goodnight