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  • Thanks for the kind words, and nice constructive feedback sheepy!

    I've done a few quick changes now, notably, i've made the intro part easier to understand and less confusing. I also adjusted the speed of the boy/little friend.

    Furthermore i will make changes to the enemy part, and details and animation will come in time :)

    Again, thanks for the feedback! Uploading new version now - might have to clear offline stored data in order to see the new build (same link).

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  • Fantastic game! Can control two player characters at the same time: great idea! Graphics and mood is excellent. Gameplay is great. You should sell this and make money.

    Maybe give one character some limited possibility to vanquish foes.

  • This game is really cool. Only thing is, it runs really choppy for me, like 10 frames per second or less. It's probably due to all of the effects. It also completetly stopped and went black after being chased by the big-headed alien-like creatures and me and the little buddy fell down this deep hole.

  • Thanks for the kind words, and the feedback. The version you have tested was the first prototype of the game, and there has been made huge changes, both visually and mechanic-wise at this point. I updated the opening post, and will continually update it in the future!

  • Just wanted to share a little update! Deluso will be featured among the most known indie-games currently in development (in Norway) at Norways biggest gaming convention! This is an arrangement like E3 and PAX, just at a smaller scale. You can read more about it here!

  • Just wanted to share a little update! Deluso will be featured among the most known indie-games currently in development (in Norway) at Norways biggest gaming convention! This is an arrangement like E3 and PAX, just at a smaller scale. You can read more about it here!

    That's awesome, congrats!

  • Looks great ! Keep up the good work.

  • era How did the event go?

  • robert The event went above all expectations! We had thousands of visitors, as well as a few dozen journalists and press representatives. It was a great success, and very positive reactions to the prototype i displayed at the stand.

    For more info and a few images check out this blog post, or see the games Facebook page!

  • very nice art work mate, i guess your main inspiration is Limbo?:)

  • lwgames Thanks! The artstyle is actually very similar to a student project i did a few years back, before Limbo. But yeah, its safe to say its similar, I'm really just adding alot of varied colors and very different gameplay from Limbo :)

  • era that's very exciting; do you have a launch window in mind for the game? Or is it still in heavy development right now?

  • The current launch plans are to sit on the finished product by Q3-Q4 of 2013. I've even scoped it to be complete a few months before that, but things always takes longer than expected :)

  • Looks like a very promising and beautiful game: really looking forward to playing it!

  • Looks like a very promising and beautiful game: really looking forward to playing it!

    Thanks! Stay tuned for updates :)

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