C-7's Forum Posts

  • I'll be doing another stream this thursday evening again at 10:30 PM EST! You can check it out here: http://www.twitch.tv/C7even. Here is a screenshot from an area I'm working on for the stream:

    Click for full size.

    Edit - Updated screenshot

  • It looks great so far! You guys are putting a ton of effort into it and it shows.

  • I do some decently in-depth audio stuff with C2 and would gladly accept any improvements

    Without it, it still works, but I agree that easier and more control over preloading and unloading would be useful.

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  • How much are the plugins where can you get them?

    Every plugin I've used is free and located on this forum.

  • No, that isn't large at all. Are you talking layout (like level size) or viewport/window size?

  • so when you ran into that event problem with your game how did u fix that ?

    Ashley has added some functionalities (I've been using C2 a while) that do what I needed, and there are one or two plugins I use as well.

  • Lordshiva I guess the only reason I was thinking gamemaker was because I heard it was more powerful in doing complex things and has more exporting options such as standalone exe file

    Also I was told that construct 2 cant handle large game development and that its more for short games

    If you want to get extremely technical, you can write your own plugins for Construct. Otherwise, I've run into very little that I can't accomplish with the event system. It exports to standalone .exe via node webkit and works wonderfully to me. And C2 can more than handle large games. My RPG is quite substantial, but there are plenty of larger games with C2.

  • Thanks C-7, that was pretty cool. I learned some neat tricks. Hope you do this again soon.

    Thanks a ton for watching and participating! It was a lot of fun to do. I'm planning on having another go at it next week and show some audio stuff (and more areas!).

  • Just for anyone interested in the development of Courier, I'll be live-streaming some map work tonight starting in just a few minutes! I plan to do this regularly, but you can catch the stream here: http://www.twitch.tv/C7even

    Be sure to check it out!

  • Courier looks pretty nice, is it 3D-rendered?

    No, none of it is. It's all mouse-drawn in photoshop.

  • Hey everyone! I still exist!

    I've been a little [read: lot] quieter about development on Courier since the failure of my Kickstarter. There hasn't really been any less development, just a greater desire to have less-frequent updates with more impact. I, perhaps, have waited a little too long this time around, but some interesting developments have come about! Firstly, I quit my job and can work on Courier without that giant time-sink ruining my productivity. I am now a stay-at-home Dad, so still not really full-time development, but tons more available time. (My wife got a job that pays double what mine did, so we switched). So, in a way, I ended up with a better situation than if my Kickstarter had worked out!

    I've been hard at work on the game and enjoying it more without so much pressure looming over my head. I've been spending some good time mapping out more areas of the game, I improved the shadowing throughout the game, I've increased the detail even more, and lots of other things I can't seem to recall right now.

    Here's a look at a part of the overworld a little more north than what I've been showing so far:

    This area isn't done by any stretch, so I wanted to give live-streaming a shot. I'll be live-streaming development on that part of the overworld tomorrow night (Sept 4th) at 10:30 PM EST here: http://www.twitch.tv/C7even. If people are interested, I'll show a bit of the inner-workings of my project on the stream, too. I'm hoping to make this a regular thing to live-stream development, so hopefully people will be interested!

  • I haven't posted any new shots in a while. I've been a bit quieter about development for a while, but here are two new shots from Courier!

    And I'll be live-streaming some mapping tomorrow night (Sep 4) at 10:30 EST here: http://www.twitch.tv/C7even

  • I completely agree with using adaptive music for games--the rest of the game interacts, why in the world shouldn't the music? If kickstarter doesn't work for you, you may find luck with finishing one complete group and releasing that on asset stores and using any success with that one to fund subsequent ones. And, in case you were wondering, Construct 2 makes adaptive music very easy to implement (I've made several instances of it).

  • It looks neat, Myristavia ! A few pointers that may help you a bit in defining your art style. I might try to find a way to either break up how much bevel/emboss you're doing in photoshop or find a way to hide it a bit. I would also look into colors for your lighting and shading other than white/black. Outside, shadows are typically dark blue, though your eyes will trick you. I also like having a bit of a yellowish hue in the lighting, but that's up to you. All of your artwork is very bright, contrasty, and colorful (which are good things, and not all of them are words...), but be sure to add some fog or something behind the main layer of play so players don't get confused about what they can interact with and what they cannot. Background confusion is a common challenge for platformers, so work on fixing it as soon as possible. It's coming along nicely, though, and I definitely can related to the job + game dev thing (as can many), so keep on pushing through!

  • Yes, it's perfectly doable in C2, and as many layers as you need and can keep track of. If you mean for mobile, we're done discussing things, but for PC/Mac/Linux, it would need a significant team depending on how in-depth you need it or how much variety you need. One person will not get it done at a satisfactory level of quality if they aren't already multi-talented and familiar with the software, game development, and code structure. You would need a team and some really good convincing skills.