If I may **** in, I can give a great scenario where unloading sounds would be useful. In the case of my game (and maybe some other users down the road), I place my music files in the Sounds folder because, to my knowledge, only one Music track can be played at a time and streaming isn't exactly instant. Just close. For most users, this is sufficient, but I currently preload necessary music parts when entering a new section of my game and the soundtrack changes dynamically based on player location, game state, and other input. This is done by layering, sequencing, and swapping audio files on-the-fly. Streaming it all wouldn't be accurate enough--the next segment needs to be loaded into memory in advance so it can start truly in an instant. And I don't think they could overlap from the Music folder, anyways. It hasn't been an issue yet for my game, but I can see someone taking a stroll throughout the entire world in a single play session and getting everything loaded to memory and, for lower-end users, getting performance issues. For most users, unloading audio isn't necessary, but I do think it is a command that can definitely help in specialized cases.