C-7's Forum Posts

  • That looks great Tinimations ! Really nice stuff--I hope to see it in motion soon!

  • Squid's example is kinda strange. Yeah, if the CPU lags, the gameplay is still fine even at a slower framerate. But when the GPU lags, pretty much any change below 60 for me, it was terrible!

  • The update fixed it for sure. Back to silky-smooth dev time!

  • C-7 I've managed to do it (I think) and I've sent Ashley an email. You can look at the .caproj in a notepad editor to show exactly what third party elements you are using.

    That's how I was doing it, but it was time-consuming tracking down everything (a couple behaviors, too, it seems), but I'm glad you got it done!

  • Ashley my project uses a ton of third party plugins and a third party shader. Are you able to look at the project without having them?

    C-7 do you use third party plugins/shaders? Maybe you could send your project.

    (EDITED) Now that I look at my list, I've got several third party plugins and shaders in use. I'll try to strip it out. We'll see who gets it done first.

  • Well, there is an update log every time C2 updates, but you really should have just copied it all into new plugins and did your tinkering there. I'm afraid this is far beyond anyone's ability to help you.

  • I can confirm the results shown in the video. Whenever I scroll, it hangs regularly. My hangs aren't quite as long as sqid's, but still significant. This didn't happen in previous releases.

  • Problem Description

    The parameters of an event don't hold true throughout the duration of the event if a Wait command is given. If you set all values off of the Function's parameters at the start of the event, it fires accurately. If you call those parameters after any kind of wait, they are gone. This may be by design, possibly to try to not screw with other possible function calls or recurring calls, but I felt it odd that the values were reset to 0 instead of just kept the same unless replaced.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    This Capx uses a button (click) to set three text boxes. One with the text, one with a wait (won't work), and one with a workaround.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Create objects, including adding the Function and Mouse (or other input) objects
    • Create an event call with a Wait before you use a particular parameter
    • Activate the function (call it)
    • The parameters only exist at the start of the event. Otherwise, they are reset to 0.

    Observed Result

    Parameters are immediately reset to 0 after the initial firing of the event.

    Expected Result

    I would expect the parameters to remain consistent within the scope of that call/event unless otherwise set. Probably how a variable would work is what I was thinking.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: YES
    • FireFox: [didn't test]
    • Internet Explorer: YES

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    181 (64 Bit) checked

  • Eh I guess I could see some minor workflow improvements (I use a relatively high amount of layers, about 20). But I don't really see it as necessary. It isn't really THAT many layers to need to group things. I don't mind the couple extra clicks if I really need.

  • Welcome! Stuff like this usual goes in the How Do I section, but this is fine.

    It's a little more advanced, but you would take a Snapshot (system action in events) then apply something like a WebGL shader to it and change the parameters over time. So it would get more swirly or whatever until you fade it out with changing opacity over time. Then destroy the screenshot sprite you just made and you're done.

    Here is the manual entry for taking a snapshot:

    Snapshot canvas

    Take a screenshot of the current display. This triggers On canvas snapshot when the snapshot is ready, and the resulting image can be accessed with the CanvasSnapshot system expression. This can then be loaded in to a sprite or tiled background, sent to a server, or opened with the Browser object in a new tab.

    So just apply it to a sprite, place the sprite over top of everything, change an effect parameter over time.

  • It may be a little more advanced, but you know the maximum speed of your character--you set that on the Platformer properties. I would just compare the player's Vector X (it is a platformer event). If it is greater than, say, 10 or something small AND the player is not holding a movement button, play your deceleration animation. This way, it will play it at the right time and for the right duration.

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  • Some of them take a little playing around to get used to what they do, but a good number of them act similarly to photoshop blends and such.

  • The stream starts in just a few minutes! Come check it out, ask questions, have some fun!

    Come on over to Twitch!

  • That looks really nice, KaMiZoTo and I really enjoy the theme!

    Here's a shot of a town entrance in Courier off the overworld--the town is located inside a cliff wall.

    Click for full size.

  • I'm certainly not profitable--a game like Courier takes some time. However, I simply would not be able to create it in any other engine. I really don't have the time to improve my C# skills to a high enough level to do what I can do so rapidly in C2. It would also take longer for me to type it all out. Then, I build my levels out of multiple objects in the C2 IDE (the game is NOT tile-based). This would be a nightmare in Unity and would likely end up with me having to do a lot more 3D stuff than I'm interested in doing. C2's time-saving nature is essential to Courier ever happening. I can't predict the future, so it would be irresponsible of me to hire a team (even a second person would essentially double the profit margin needed to net any gain). And, other than Game Maker, which I've played with and really don't enjoy using, there is nothing else like C2 that both allows me to do some higher-level stuff AND allows such rapid development.

    So I really do think Courier will be profitable when it is completed (next year), but it simply wouldn't happen with any other tool.