I am wondering if we could get an Audio Events overhaul...
I have noticed some features missing that would really streamline production..
A few suggestions for new Audio Events that I would find useful...
"Preload folder"
or perhaps "Preload by tag"
Rather than just individual audio files...
I am not sure if you can do this yet...there seems to be some functionality with the "preload by name" event for folders but then then you still have name files individually..
I am not sure what would be better..perhaps Ashley if we could re look at the Audio features and events maybe a slight overhaul or look into some further integration with Tags and Folders some how..im not quite sure how to go about it, but I would like to be able to preload large Tagged groups or folders of Audio files...
The main reason for this being that many of my projects have hundreds of sound effects...
and they are often grouped by folder such as "Enemy Bullet fx" or what nots
if anyone else has some ideas..perhaps we could pin this thread or bump up ..
I think it would be nice to look further into the Audio features...They are already great..but I feel that its possible to squeeze even more out of HTML 5 browsers than what is already featured in Construct 2
What do you think Ashley? Any chances of an Audio review or slight overhaul o stream line or add more gadgets?
Further suggestions totally welcome...I'm sure there is more we could do with Audio
What does everyone else think?