brushfe's Forum Posts

  • There's something going on at event #13; when you change that TileMovement action from "Animate" to"Instant", the guards do move to the next waypoints (way too fast, of course).

    I don't have enough experience with this behaviour to figure out what's stopping the Animate mode from continuing.

  • Try using the Timer behaviour. When the ctrl key is down and the timer is not running, launch the volley and start the timer to whatever delay you'd like. Once it's done, using the ctrl key would launch the volley again.

  • You might not be picking the specific enemies that have LOS. You can use "for each enemy" and "enemy has LOS" conditions before your shooting actions to make sure only those ones fire.

  • Are on a laptop? I keep accidentally shrinking the type by holding Command/Ctrl and scrolling on the trackpad (2-finger on Mac). You could try that shortcut to scale things back up.

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  • I'd asked about this as well a couple weeks back - I think they're testing it out, though I'm not sure what the test is.

    My two cents, trying to monetize your community isn't good and rarely ends well, especially if many of them are already paying.

    And I totally support helping the creators, but over time this will likely make it more negative than positive for them. If this is a space for the community to help each other, i hope we let people opt-in to being sold that help.

  • If it helps, I create a family/families of objects that I want to freeze, and then set the timescale of those families to 0 to pause and then use "restore time scale" for those families to unpause.

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  • Amazing work! Congratulations!

  • This is gorgeous! I'd definitely purchase the light-colour equivalent as well. Thanks very much!

  • Is anyone else seeing this? When I open my project from dropbox, the event sheets and layouts I had open are different than when I'd last saved it. The order of the "tabs" along the top is wrong too.

    It's like it's stuck in old version, and no matter what I change or how many times I save it, the project always opens in the same state of open event sheets and layouts.

  • Check out

    Fixes a lot of the problems with the vanilla UI

    That's the theme I use as well — it's got a couple things that are tough to read but overall it's a fantastic dark theme.