blurymind's Forum Posts

  • First of all - what is CoaTools:

    It is an addon for blender that allows you to create cutout animations in blender and export them as a JSON file that can be loaded in a game engine. Currently there is already a runtime for godot (another free open source engine).

    Advantages over Spriter and Spine2d and Creature2d:

    • it's PRO and it does NOT cost over 200$, it is completely FREE. No catch
    • You can use blender's powerful animation tools
    • It's open source! Both the addon and the application it is running under. This is the only open source solution out there atm. Dragon bones in comparison runs under adobe flash - so it's not really open source and available on all platforms. If you want a feature, if you know some python- you can add it! Or suggest it. In any case it is not going to be maintained by only one guy, not locked to any proprietary entity.

    Advantages over spriter:

    • It supports sprite deformation - uses blender's excellent tools to easily turn imported sprites into plane meshes and skin them!

    Advantages over Creature:

    • It runs under Linux. As a matter of fact this can be used under windows, linux,mac and any other platform that compiles blender3d.

    Download the addon (FREE) and a photoshop plugin (free):

    Download Blender (FREE):

    video demo:

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    thread at blenderartist: ... ol-Blender

    Can we please get a runtime to load the json animation files that it creates into c2?

    I think the free part is a huge advantage <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing">

    Not to mention that it is actually a pretty good tool with actual advantages over the competition, considering that it is a part of a much more powerful application!

    For developers:

    example files: ... le%20Files ... Files/stip

  • Ot exports animation as json. Perhaps someone sould write a plugin for c2?

  • it is pretty damn impressive! Well done and keep it up! Also kudos for supporting linux!

    I was thinking of buying appgamekit a while ago. Can you develop in it in linux?

  • very cool! I made something similar for blender users:

    It makes more sense to me to keep this in the 3d package - where the user can easily set their shaders and rendering settings , do their animation and texturing... otherwise we are reinventing the wheel here

    What import format does it use? Fbx or dae?

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  • Edit:

    Its on blendermarket now: ... ender-kit/

  • Sprite Render Kit is a sprite rendering system for Blender - specifically designed for rendering animated and static sprites for 2d games.Its benefits become most obvious when you need to create a sprite with 4 or 8 directions of animation. It's main goal is to save you time!

    In one click you render an animated character from 4 different angles and the files are properly named!

    video trailer:

    more info and download here: ... blender-3d

  • Linux editor. Way to connect to another user's editor via a web browser and an ip adress. See superpowers

  • I too would like to know. Seeing as to how nobody answered your question, I would assume that it is not possible for now

  • glerikud At least you can try it out and make something with it

    In mmf, you can not even try out the admob object without spending the 400$ - which btw is more than 4 times more expensive than the personal license of c2.

    Their price is not competitive at all.

  • I've been using both construct2 and mmf for over 2 years. My experience taught me that mmf is fun, but has some serious limitations in terms of code reusal!

    • you can not give unique values to instances of an active object - in construct2 you can
    • you have to manually copy and paste events/objects between frames. In c2 you can use the same objects and event sheets in all frames.
    • There are no global layers in fusion, instead again - you have to manually copy and paste. ... onstruct-2

    global layers in construct2 are awesome! ... terface-ui

    • mmf has no subevents, as a result you have to copy and paste your logic a lot. In construct2 you can nest it in nice and tidy ways.
    • Construct2 has one click deployment with nodejs to windows,linux and mac. The games just work.No need to buy separate exporters with limited functionality like fusion's.
    • Even clickteam suggests to people to make their own level editor, instead of using the one provided by mmf.
    • the entire editor is full of hardcoded logic. Their tagging system has specific number of tags that can not be renamed or changed and dont work on a global level. (code reusal issues again) Even the animations editor is full of predefined animation slots that you can not rename. Some animation slots behave differently than others - this quirky design may lead to frustrating moments later on when you code your logic.

    The community here is much bigger - with much more active development with addons and effects- all of which are free. Scirra also has a dedicated tutorials section which is packed full of good learning articles and videos.

    Clickteam's html5 exporter creates games that are problematic to embed in nodejs or xdk. Whats more is that they are not webgl accelerated and under-perform compared to construct's.

    Clickteam rip you off with their licensing fees. You have to buy separate exporters, but what is worse is that none of them support any mobile monetization features and the community is prohibited from sharing such features in addons for free. The only way to put ads in your mmf games in to buy their developer license which costs 400$ !

    But they hide that in the small print and you find out about it after buying the exporters.

    Construct2 in comparison offers all the export options with the personal license. You can try them out in the free version as well. There is no limitation on the admob object or any of the monenanization features - they are available even in the free version.

    I can just go on and on <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    But the truth is that I like both products and hope they continue to compete and improve. If clickteam still makes money with their strategy - I wish them best of luck. It's just that the pricing model seems like outdated ******** to me - especially considering the competition in other game engines.

    Unity and Unreal for example dont put any limitations on the developers and dont cut their products into chunks you have to buy separately. Instead they make money only if the developer has made a lot of money using their engine.

  • If construct2's editor was open source, then the developer of q3d threejs or any other 3d implementation would be able to add the needed features for 3d game design.

    But constrcut2 editor's sdk is not open source. So while developers can add new behaviours via plugins, they cant really do anything to the editor's interface or features.

    If you wanr 3d+html5, check out Superpowers!

    It was just open sourced:

    It uses threejs, but it can use any other engine. Recently they added support for LOVE (lua) as well.

    If I was Ashley, I would just take superpowers and use it as an editor - just add construct2's core to it. I think their MIT license would allow it too <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing">

    Superpowers has the features to support both 2d and 3d games. Here is their github:

    [quote:2ayl5457]But the coolest thing is this: Superpowers itself is actually engine-agnostic. It's just a piece of software for collaborating on projects and you can extend it with project types and editors.

    Have fun

  • Thank you, the formula worked!

    Now on to figure out a user intuitive way to input the date.

  • And how do i get t0 and t1?

  • Other feature requests:

    Some conditions and actions. On hit other car condition - so we can add a sound effect at least. A way to compare an enemy car's X to the player's X, so we can change sprites. Ability to compare distance between a player and an enemy.

    Ability of player and enemy cars to switch states (attack/block/normal) so we can create a game similar to Road Rash (sega mega drive) <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    In general, the more you expose actions and conditions to the editor, the more flexible the plugin will be in terms of creating original games with racing.

  • would be nice if the enemy cars changed sprite depending on which side you are on perspectively. Right now all of them are sligthly turned to the right. They should have three sprite frames: left side, right side and behind.