blurymind's Forum Posts

  • lennaert - can you screenshot your event sheet or share a fix file? I tried what you suggest and the second instance still has issues - it flips out when arriving to the colision at the same time the first instance does

  • Ashley : here is an example file:

    it works when you have only one instance of the enemy and completely breaks when there is more than one.

    To see what i want in action, delete the second instance

    lennaert : doesnt work ! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    C-7 : i want to do it with colision objects - as it makes level design much user friendly

  • ok i am coming to the conclusion that construct is just terrible at picking objects just terrible

    I nested all the enemy code under an "for each" - that stopped instances in the family from affecting each other's state. It however did not stop them complely - when both instances have the same state - one affects the other still - even if other conditions are different.

    any ideas on how to deal with this?

    Perhaps Ashley might know?

    has anyone ever managed to get two enemy instances to have individual behaviors and not affect other instances or members of the family?

    Can construct do that at all?


    godot will never have a problem like that because it is object oriented.

  • can someone explain why all my enemies turn when one of them hits a colision with a stop and turn sign?

  • Ok now I have a new problem - when one enemy hits a collision, it affects all the enemies that did not hit it! When I refer to the enemy as the enemies family.

    Enemies: enemyA-instance1,enemyA-instance2

  • btw in your example the enemy does not turn around after waiting

  • ah thank you. I solved it this way: the trick was to edit the colision box, so when the enemy turns it stops to overlap the other object

  • Basically I want my ai to walk to the right, hit a colision with a stop object and walk left, rinse and repeat.

    BUT before turning, I want it to wait fox X seconds without moving.

    patrool state: walk in the direction that you are facing (check if mirrored) , if hit object -->wait state

    wait state: wait for 1-2 seconds without moving, turn around , then go back to patrool state

    It however does one of the two:

    the object does not go to wait state


    the object goes right through the colision and doesnt even go to wait state.

    can someone please share a working example. Nobody on youtube has made one where the enemy stops, then waks in the opposite direction

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    Buying it now means you still get an upgrade discount when 3 comes out. Also 3 is backwards compatible, so you can continue any project you have started in 2

  • Try Construct 3

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    Will it really? I doubt it. Given its only two guys doing most of it, while also releasing fixes for this one.

    Clickteam did the same thing. First said 2016 q1, then it became winter, then 2017. Its a moving target and ashley hasnt put any dates or even a year- so at least he doesnt want to disapoint us with false promises

  • I agree with everyone you should read the manual or just give up before you embarass yourself more with that attitude. C2 has its flaws, but rapid prototyping is not one of them.

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    They stated that c3 will be c2 but multiplatform and more modable and accessible to plugins. I dont think they have anything to hide from copying. Its a case of we are far from ready to show stuff more likely.

    I very much look forward to the day i can run construct on linux.

    I hope c3 comes in a **** dark theme that is easy on the eyes.

    Wine devs havent implemented httpapi, so c2 cant run a server on linux. It will be interesting to see if they implement it before c3 comes out. If they do, that might hurt sales a little bit

  • Damn i am so eager to get mesh deformation in spriter. It will blow away all the alternatives if it also had that. But the speed ups are much welcome too

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    So we shouldnt expect any announcements or releases this year

  • The kit now comes with a free example project that you can use free of charge in any game if you like.