Beyondgodd's Forum Posts

  • Oh I just found the solution few seconds after my message, I tried to rotate my Light Object and it fix the issue oO

    It seems that if the sprite as 0 angle rotation, the weird effect apparate, but if I change to even 0.001, it fixed the issue.

    It seems to be a bug so I let the topic open.

  • Hello guys!

    I'm trying to create some lightning ambiance for my game.

    I wanted to use Shaders and Fusion effects to have something really cool, but there is a strange behavior using it.

    I have my light entity in a separate layer :

    When I add some Effect to it (no matter ne effect, same for everyone), here is what it looks :

    It seems to duplicate the background behind, and I have really no idea why, I tried to check all the options and nothing seems anormal.

    Did you have a solution for that?


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  • Hello,

    I know this already asked, but I'm not sure to understand.

    For my exemple, I want to create Shadow for all Instances with Familly Shadows, and then set the Shadow to the same position of his Sprite.

    It's complicate since they all used the same familly, I'm not sure it's possible and I could totally use different familly to made my test, but if it's possible to do it without having two famillies, it's better !

    Do you think it's possible that way?

    Thanks a lot!

  • Same result that way.

    I found a solution, don't know if it's the good one, but it seems to works.

    I start by :

    - If Colide.ID => Attacker.ID

    - If Boolean attack => True

    -- If Animation is finished

    -- =>set Boolean to false

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  • Ok so better use Comparable Variable if possible, and keep "Pick" if it's really needed.

    I understand, thanks a lot!

  • Hum, in fact, it seems to partialy works.

    The condition execute only once and didn't works for the others Sprite.Familly object after :

    Maybe I doing something wrong again?

  • Hello guys,

    Just a question about logic this time, I'm not sure to understand why and when using "Pick by X" function.

    For exemple If I want to pick an entity "Colide" where ID=5, I can just start my new condition by "Collision ID=5" instead of using pick, and it will works... so what is the interest of using it?

    I'm from Clickteam Fusion and I'm a bit disturbed (in a good way) to easily pick an instance, instead of using multiple for each and pick conditions :P

    Thanks a lot!

  • Oh I see... that's working now.

    I didn't know that, thanks a lot!

  • Sure!

    Sorry it's in french, but I'll translate.

    I start a For Each Collide object

    - If Collide Boolean isAttacking is on

    - If Familly.sprites.ID is = Collide ID

    - - If Animation is finished

    - => Set Colide Boolean to off.

    All the condition are true.

    if I remplace animation finished by "animation frame = 4" it's work, but I prefer to have something more flexible and not limited my animations to a same number.

  • Hello,

    I wanted to execute action when Animation for a Familly is finished, but it didn't work, for now reason.

    Juste found an old discussion about that, but no anwser :

    Is it a known bug, or there is another solution?


  • Wow, it was easier than I expected :D

    Thanks a lot dude!

  • Hello,

    Just wondering if it's possible to easily change angle of a character depending of the position of another object.

    For exemple if an object is just at the bottom of my character, set automaticly my angle to 90, to make it looking at his direction.

    I could do that by using multiple conditions and compares Positions, but if there is a magic function to do that, I take it!

    Thanks in advance :)

  • Hello,

    Sorry if it was already asked, but how using multiple tilesets?

    For exemple, having walkable tiles on a Layer, and Collision in another, how do we use Find path that way? Is it possible?


  • Thanks a lot Ashley!