Beyondgodd's Forum Posts

  • Yes but how break at this exact point and having a scroll (or a new text line with the next message)

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  • Saddly I want my Textbox BG to have a fixed size :/

  • Hey!

    I'm pretty stuck for my game. I want to have dialogues Text like RPG Game.

    I used the Text Object and I've Created a dialox box background with a fixed size.

    (full text is ""Hi! This is a very long message, but you should be able to fully see it")

    Problem is, when my text is bigger than the BV side, I don't know how to add a function to continue the text and scroll my BV if the player click.

    I was thinking about counting chars but since some chars are smaller than others (for exemple I or j ar smaller than W orM) it won't be perfect.

    I don't know if I'm very clear, but I hope you'll be able to help me.


  • Thanks for all your answers.

    For now it's going well with Functions, but I'll take a look if Timelines can do the job :)

  • Hey,

    Don't know if it's just me but since the last update I can't open Demonoire anymore, not even play it.

    Don't know if it's a bug or not...

  • Hey!

    I wondering what is the best way to create cutscenes in my 2D game?

    By Cutscene I mean having text displaying, moving characters, playing effect, etc...

    I don't want to have to do all this function manually everytime, you can quickly get lost, with the previous software I used, I was used to create some "Cinematics Tool Editor" myself and create all my fonctions, for exemple :

    Then in my game, I translate all the data to the right action.

    But it's not so easy with Construct to create some Tools/Editor, but maybe there is an easier way?

    Wondering if we can have something quite clean and functional with functions?


  • I think it's not possible for the moment, maybe in a next update!

  • Hello,

    Is it possible to have an invisible mask for multiples object?

    I know that it's possible to hide some part with a Layer with Force Own Texture to yes and a background behind with Destination In/Out, but in my case I didn't want to have a BG to hide some objects, I want my mask invisible.

    Like this :

    Don't know if it's possible...

    You can try GDevelop, it's free, it's working like Construct 3 (but it's very less powerfull.)

    And come back on Construct when you'll have some cash for it! :p

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  • You're right, that's working thanks a lot!

    I tought it was possible to repeat multiple actions in a function...

  • Hello,

    I checked many tutorials and threads about Lerp so I thought I was ready to use them, but it seems not :P

    I tried to add a Zoom system in my game, it worked when I automate it, but I was trying to manage it with Function, that way :

    But it didn't work, the game just stop at this moment, I guess the problem is the "as long as" (don't know if it's the traduction used in English), or maybe the "dt" not working in a Function?

    Do you think it's possible to had that kind of Zoom Function system that way?

    Thanks a lot!

  • I will, thanks Ashley!