Beyondgodd's Forum Posts

  • Hello!

    This one will probably be tought.

    A few months ago, oosyrag sent me an example of a Dijkstra algorithm to calculate path for instance and the shortest path in a tactical.

    (CF : and the c3P example :

    I managed to reuse and understand this system for my game, thanks again to him it was really nice, but today I'm stuck on the possibility to add more distances, calculate on weapon the hero is using.

    Here is an example of the current in-game rendering of my game:

    The blue boxes represent the movements, and the red boxes the range of the weapon (2 cases).

    The problem is that the hero is supposed to be able to attack even in an inaccessible area, and there are supposed to be red squares on the left side of the mountain, like this:

    But I have no idea how to handle this, I tried several things without success.

    I'm coming to you with the hope that someone has an idea how to do this in a simple way, but maybe it's impossible and I should revise my whole system?

    I hope that I have been clear in my explanations, and I thank you for reading me.

    Edit : Just editing cause maybe it's not clear about why character should be able to attack on "forbiden" tile.

    Two possibilities, some ennemis can fly and walk on colide tiles, or, like in Fire Emblem, archer can attack even if there is a wall between character, like this :

  • Dude you're awesome! I never thought about that ahah, thanks a lot!

  • Hi!

    I'm stuck with the List Object.

    I checked on the Dock, and we can select in item by Index :

    So for exemple, if my List is :

    - Apple

    - Banana

    - Peach

    I can chose Peach by using "select by index (2)", everything is good from now.

    But here is my problem, what if I want to select an item by using text ?

    For exemple, I want my list automaticly select the item with name "Peach", and it will automaticly select the item index 2.

    I found nothing for that, and that's really boring since I'm creating a Level Editor for my games, and I need to Load some data like this.

    Hope you'll be able to help me!

    Thanks a lot!

  • Nice, Didn't know that! Thanks a lot, you're always the best :)

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  • Hey!

    I'm working on a Level Editor right now, It's working pretty well but I'm stuck when I want to save all my data level into specific folder, I really don't know how to do that.

    I know that it's possible to save to local storage, but it's not what I want.

    Is it possible to save a JSON file and chose where?

    Thanks in advance!

    Edit : Probably working with NWJS object!

    But is it possible to use it in editor mode? It would be better for beta testing to not having to build every time...

  • That's great, thanks a lot! :)

  • I hope I'm not giving that impression because it's not true, I've done 99% of my systems by myself and some of them are complex, in general I only ask for help when I have no idea after trying several times.

  • Dude, you anwser with one of your solution (and I thank you for that), that was not the one I expected, I never changed I just made it clear what I really wanted because you didn't seem to understand well.

    Edit : Ok thanks a lot, that's better :)

  • I truely check all tutorials and all Exemple Projects I found, but none has the same system that I'm looking for, if you can send me a link for that I would really appreciate.

  • Trying to up for the last time, if someome has an idea now :(

  • This kind of problem seems to happen pretty often... it's a bit scarry, even if I try to make backup every times.

    Any prevention to avoid this kind of major issue Ashley ?

  • So any idea guys? I'm a bit desperate, I don't know how I can find a solution for that.

  • It's a bit more complex since the Text is supposed to appear letter by letter, I'm not sure it will work that way.

    The best way would be probably delete the old text and display the new one automaticly but I'm not sure that's possible...

    Something like this :

    (made with Fusion)

    Sorry if I'm not very clear.

  • I was able to open it once, thanks!

    That's cool but I'm not sure I can use it for my game, since I want that the scroll happen when the user click and not every time, not sure I can do it with your exemple :(

  • I really don't know why, but the project crash when I want to open it :(