Berserky's Forum Posts

  • WOW that is a pretty long and good explanation, much more than I have hoped for. Thanks a lot this really helped.

  • So I am wondering how to make my game feel like it is an open world. I want the player to have most of the game under control.

    The world I have in mind should have 3 different areas (mountains, wasteland and a forest) surrounding your kingdom.Its is a side-scroller not a top down game.

    I had in mind to make my world like in Terraria (it extends to left and right, and doesnt have any additional levels), but I think that that wouldnt work because my world is pretty different, it should be bigger and you would have to return to the kingdom from time to time.

    Another thing I thought about was to have a big map. That map would be divided in hexagons. The middle hexagon would be where the kingdom is and you would start from there and continue to the hexagon which is next to the hexagon you are currently in. Hexagons would basically have a purpose of selecting part of the map (or the world) and within each hexagon you would have a 2d level. So I think that might give an open world kinda feel.

    What do you have in mind I would love to hear your opinion, or if you know a game that is 2d and has an open world I would like to know which game it is so I could see how did they pull it of.

  • So as you can see from the title I want to know how to make a bit more complex combat than what I have currently in my game.

    Basically I want something like this.

    When I press the attack button I want my guy to swing a sword (attack animation 1) and move slightly forward. And if I press again I want him so swing sword in a different direction(attack animation 2) and move forward again , and when i press it third time he swings it in some other direction (attack animation 3), and moves forward.

    It doesn't seem complicated to me but I just cant pull it off. I am still a learner so any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  • So i realised that I have a pretty big problem in my game.

    For every enemy I have an additional sprite.Within one sprite I keep all animations while with the other i do all the collisions.

    Now I would like to know if there is a tutorial or something for this. Because i did something wrong and its not working properly. I think it will be easier to start again with the enemies than fixing it.

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  • ah i cant,

    but not exactly fog of war.I will give you a "walkthrough"

    Lets say you press play button. And then a map opens up. In the middle of the map there is a hexagon with a castle in it. The rest of hexagons are alii individual 2d pltformers( part of the same world) so basically every hexagon is just different part of the world.

    I hope that makes it clearer.

  • https://www@@@@google@@@hr/search?q=hex ... B512%3B512

  • So i want to give as much freedom to the player in my game as possible. My whole game is revolving around your kingdom. The kingdom is set in the middle of the map, and there are 3 different areas surrounding it. Every area is composed of smaller parts (like hexagons), and every part is a 2d part of the world.

    Now the main issue is this, not all of the parts and areas should be unlocked. I am thinking something like when you choose a hexagon all surrounding hexagons unlock.

    And then its up to player to chose does he want to stay in the area to explore or move on to some other part.

    And once he chooses a part where should he start? In the middle of it? And how should he end? Does he have to explore a certain amount of the part he is in or can he just chose when ever he fells like it?

    Its very important to me because i want my game to rely mostly on combat, so its gonna be like some hack'n slash, but it will have RPG elements as well.

    Hope you understand what I am saying. If you have a better idea that works as an open world I would love to hear it, because I'm not sure what is the best way to make a side-scroller feel big and open.

    Thanks in advance.

    P.S. they don't have to be hexagons they can be squares .

    I would put a link so you can see what type of the map i mean but i cant.

  • Alright thanks.

  • So I am a bit stuck with my combat system. I have a few ideas but i dont know which is the best way to do it.

    Combat is simple its melee. Player has a sword and on click he swings it.

    I have 2 attack animations, one is a swing up, and then down. How do I make that when i spam my attack button that the animations repeat themselves (up,down.up,down...)

    And how do I damage enemies. I have made a health system but do i create sprite which collides with enemies and then damages them or is there a better way?

    This is what I have in mind. ... 0&bih=1099

    Thanks in advance.

  • OOOOooohhh check that out AHAHAHAh thanks man should have looked better.

    Thanks man.

  • So I want to make a way to damage my enemies, but I have ( for now ) 3 different guys.

    I know how to make them receive damage, but I want to make it in a way so I dont have to write conditions for every enemy.

    The way to do it are families.

    And that is not hard but can I make that every enemy in my family has different amount of health.

    For example:

    FamilyEnemy on collision with sword = FamilyEnemy subtract 10 from EnemyHealth

    So EnemyHealth is family instance variable and its set to 100. But I need all 3 different enemies to have different amounts of health(50, 100, 150 ).

    Is there a way I can make every enemy have different amount of health, but still being in the family

  • Nice, thanks man

  • How do I chose random, which action is that?

  • So as you can see from the title i want to know how t make a critical strike. Basically I have normal attack which is performed by pressing A.

    And there would be 2 animations (one for normal attack and one for a critical).

    Then lets say that my critical strike chance is 10%, so i want it to hit at 10% chance (lol).

    How do I pull it off? I guess i will need a variable but how can I make it chose randomly?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks guys that was pretty helpful