Berserky's Forum Posts

  • Hmm maybe but i am not sure if physics behavior is necessary because gravity on bullet behavior seems like its enough, but i have no idea i am still learning.

  • Yeah it seems about right I meant a bit more advanced (like in terraira if you ever played it ) but it will do for now thanks.

  • Basically I want to know how to make my enemies shoot above me so that arrow would hit me. Its pretty easy to make a straight arrow ( set angle to another object ) but i would like to know how can i make that enemies shoot above me. My game is a side scroller.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks exactly what i needed. Didnt know it was that easy XD

  • Where? I tried to find it but is it under conditions or actions, and under system or just some sprite in general?

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  • could you give me a small example pls, judging by what you said it seems like the thing i need

  • I am making a platform game and currently Ive got working melee enemies. And I would like to know how to make when enemy is at X distance of pixels that he stops and starts shooting at me.

  • No problem thats the way i open chest in my game XD

  • You could put three conditions (lets say x is a button for opening doors)

    System/key=1 > open dors or any action that involves opening doors

    Player is overlapping/doors

    On x button is down

  • So I noticed that combat in my game is a bit dull. Of course I had it planed to make it a bit dynamic and different and I guess its the time to do it.

    Basically what I want is that when I click my guy slashes with his sword, and I have that working, but know I would like him to do 2 different slashes ( first down and then up ) when I click fast enough. Later on I will expand it a bit [more I click more slashes he does (side slash, back slash etc.)].

    So is that possible I am pretty sure it is but I cant think of a way to do it.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Just tried it out and works perfectly, thanks man.

  • i have the educational or whatever its called licence

  • i dont have a free version

  • So i have a little problem. I want to deal damage to my enemies and i dont know how would i do it.(I know how but only if i code for every enemy and every weapon) Could i do something like:

    Family(enemies) > on collision with sword

    subtract from....

    and that is what bothers, should i have a global variable, or instance variable, and do i have to do it for each enemy or can i do it for whole family?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Oh thank you.