Berserky's Forum Posts

  • So i have a lot of different animations, but when any one of them ends i want to trigger a certain event.

    I could do an event for every animation but it seems sloppy and like a bad solution in general.

    I cant use "on any animation finished" because i need certain animations to end.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks for the help guys, I did it, it needs some polishing but it works like this:

    Every X seconds- Boss/ add choose (1,2,3,4) to Attack

    Attack=1-Set animation 1,set Attack to 0

    Attack=2-Set animation 2,set Attack to 0

    Attack=3-Set animation 3,set Attack to 0

    Attack=4-Set animation 4,set Attack to 0

  • Which action do I use for "choose"

  • Basically what the title says. I am trying to make a boss for my game .He would have 3 variables and they would be set to false. Every X seconds he would chose one at random and make it true. When a variable is set to true he would preform an attack and then set it to false again. Each variable would represent a different attack of course.

    So have can I do it? Thanks in advance.

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  • Oh yeah didn't thinks of that *slowpoke LoL, Thanks I'll try that

  • So I have a player sprite where I stored animations.

    Player hit box which does collisions and carries behaviours (platform, scroll to)

    And now I have 4 different attacks, so I was thinking how should i make hit boxes for them.

    What I have in mind to do is something like attack1 is playing, on frame3/ spawn attack1 hit box

    So what I want to know is if there is a better way to do this because it seems kinda clumsy.

  • So yeah as you can see I am loosing my mind . But seriously.

    Anyway here is the thing I want to make a great attack combo sequence but everything i do just doesn't seem to work. I have tried quit a bit of different events and if you take a look at my previous posts you will see I am constantly fighting it.

    So what do I need? Well, I need help. A lot of it if possible, and I really can't continue trying because I don't have enough experience jet, so I would be very very grateful if you could help me.

    Well let me get to the point.

    I have 4 different attack animations. Light attack 1 (LA1), Light attack 2 (LA2) , Heavy attack 1(HA1), Heavy attack 2(HA2)

    A-activates LA 1

    pressing A again starts LA2, spamming A will spam LA2

    S-activates HA1

    pressing S again starts HA2,spamming S will spam HA2

    But the thing is that you should be able to combine those 4.

    Now imagine this is a combo sequence this is how it should go

    A,A,A,A / LA1,LA2,LA2,LA2

    S,S,S,S / HA1,HA2,HA2,HA2

    A,A,S,S / LA1,LA2,HA2,HA2

    S,A,A,S,S / HA1,LA2,LA2,HA2,HA2

    That's it I think , thanks in advance.

  • Thanks brunopalermo just the way i wanted it to work

  • So I am making a side scroller. I have 2 attack animations, and what I want to do is when i press A that the player starts the first attack animation, if I double tap A the player starts first attack animation and then the second. And if I press A four times the player should start with the first attack animation and then repeat the second attack animation 3 times.

    It doesn't seem hard but I just can't pull it of I am still a newbie.

    Hope you understand what I am saying .Cheers!

  • Thanks for advice. I will definitely consider adding block or parry, but I have come up with a pretty cool combat system. Now I just have to make it heh...

  • So I am making my game combat oriented. Basically the player has a sword and 3 different changeable spells. The game is a 2d side-scroller.

    What I want is a dynamic combat but not too sure how to achieve it.

    What i had in mind was to have 2 or 3 different attack types assigned on A,S,D and maybe even add a block or a parry option.But the problem with block or parry is that you aren't going to fight 1v1 (except against some bosses) you will fight a pile of enemies and it should feel like you are really powerful (not OP), and it should be fast.

    So that is the general idea but I am not completely sure about it, do you maybe know a game that has done it already, I would like to take a look and execute it in my own way of course, or you might have something different in your mind? Any comment is helpful.


  • Alright thanks a bunch.

  • Works fine for me. Took about 10 seconds to load. I am using chrome.

  • No what i meant was background cant repeat itself.

    I am making a platformer. You star at the beginning of the forest. But more you go into the forest bigger the trees get and terrain changes. I didnt mean animation or anything like that. Hope that clears it.

  • So I want to make a background for my game but i don't want to use tiled background because i don't want the background to stay the same.

    It needs to be different so I am wondering what is better for optimisation. One big sprite or should I compose my background out of few sprites.

    Thanks in advance.