b3698c8d-4435-424b-985b-f45a63412709's Forum Posts

  • Just saw this old post which ive replied on the request - so im putting it here too.

    Request thread


    But also as an addition to the game im currently making, but im sure other people could use something similar to this. So comment if you like, or grap the CAPX to improve it.


    Higher intial speed, that switches to a constant speed after a while.

    Fuel gauge for each rocket, explodes when used up.

    Rockets explodes on collision with solids

    Rockets explodes when at a certain distant of its target - NOTICE: there is a event to chage it into "Upon impact"

    When rockets cannot see their main target, they expand their vision and search for a secondary target. NOTICE: it wont do anything without a target.

    .....You can hide from the rocket - yay!

    Known bug(s)

    For some reason, sometimes the rocket explodes when they are being launches. Seems like there is a loop somewhere when one rocket is exploding, new ones will also do it.

    Fuel Gauge

    Spends X amount of fuel each second.

    Target Switching

    When the rocket cannot see you, it expands it vision field and finds a secondary target, nearest itself.


    Homing Rocket

  • Maybe this is something you can use



    The reason they all turn is because the range is so high.


    Acid Sprayers

  • Well this does not take you all the way - but it makes sprites "move" towards you, when in a certain range and holding down "Space". These get "stored" in a variable simply by adding a number to the variable.

    You can then "shoot" with them using "Q" and "E" - but not vacuum them again.


    Capx I got a license version so acutally not sure if people can use it ^^

    The Vacumnator

    Code as picture

    Let me know if its useful

  • Going with my gut feeling here - but maybe you have "destroy outside layout" to the other object too? - that would make it NOT work

  • This might do the trick for you.

    It compares the distance between itself and its target(s) - if they have not been hit, it will shoot.

    If the target is hit, it will wait 5 seconds before it can be hit again.



    The Spider Turret

  • lennaert

    Thank you for your reply, but i simply lack the understanding in which to do such "complex" things.

    So for now im trying to do (as you also surgested) making invisible images on the nodes.

    But also going another route, when i would simply increase the size of the ship, when they connect and decrease when they swarm.

  • I got a sprite lets call it "Swarm"

    "Swarm" has a total of 9 imagepoints.

    • 0=Origin (NOT important)
    • 1=Node1
    • 2=Node2
    • 3=Node3
    • ..etc etc etc

    Before proceeding - this is a spaceship, and the way its gonna work (in its race) is that these ship can group, and thereby become a swarm.


    How done one make a sprite do the following.

    -Calculate which imagepoint is closest to Swarm - of another Swarm?

    -Calculate whic imagepoint IT has closest to the other imagepoint?

    -"Connects" the two Swarm´s at thoese imagepoints.

    I hope some of you have the time/brain and desire to help me out a little


  • Minor update today, since it was the only thing i could get to work.

    Liquid state between units

    Besides that i where working on a enemy race, but i am having some heavy issues with their core ability. So i will attack it at a later point.

  • I really didn't think much for the game have a good difficulty flow, but now when I made available the demo I saw the evaluation of players, and the level design of some parts will have to be improved

    Kewl - I will revisit when you have improved them. Keep up the good work.

  • Updated the apperance and general "gameplay"



  • ^^ Cute little game - i did not try that many levels - but "Bonus 1" seems a bit to hard to complete within the time limit (im guessing this is a kids games mostly)

    Maybe im a noob, but i could only complete it with 1 sec left - Maybe add some +time objects.

    Keep on doing what your doing - i like the old pixel stuff.

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  • That looks awesome.

    Thanks dude

  • Well their not really movies - BUT its the best i can do right now. Hope some of you like the concept/idea.

    If you like follow the game as it evolves:

    Here Ominous Entity

  • Something i made in request of another post, or a attempt there of.


    But also as an addition to the game im currently making, but im sure other people could use something similar to this. So comment if you like, or grap the CAPX to improve it.


    Higher intial speed, that switches to a constant speed after a while.

    Fuel gauge for each rocket, explodes when used up.

    Rockets explodes on collision with solids

    Rockets explodes when at a certain distant of its target - NOTICE: there is a event to chage it into "Upon impact"

    When rockets cannot see their main target, they expand their vision and search for a secondary target. NOTICE: it wont do anything without a target.

    .....You can hide from the rocket - yay!

    Known bug(s)

    For some reason, sometimes the rocket explodes when they are being launches. Seems like there is a loop somewhere when one rocket is exploding, new ones will also do it.

    Fuel Gauge

    Spends X amount of fuel each second.

    Target Switching

    When the rocket cannot see you, it expands it vision field and finds a secondary target, nearest itself.


    Homing Rocket