Smooth cotton-candy like graphics, i like that part.
But i think:
It needs some very chilling music.
Its IMPOSSIBLE to beat, way to much candy gets spawned when you reach 1500.
Is there more then one level?
Why do the candy spin around?
Only make a certain amount of candy drop - and give the player point on how much candy they click
Rating for when you complete a map. 1=bad preformance 2=Medium 3=good
When you click the "BAD" candy, replace it with "GOOD" vegetables.
When the "BAD" candy reaches the bottom - play a YUCK sound
WHen the "GOOD" vegetables reaches the bottom - play a YAY sound
.. music
A sound when you hit stuff.
A animation when you hit stuff.
Other levels - or a map (that displays how well you did on each map)
... *** *** yeah i think that just about covers it.