b3698c8d-4435-424b-985b-f45a63412709's Forum Posts

  • winkr7

    I made this, maybe you can use parts of it I have put in as many comments as i could, to make it understandable. But should be somewhat simple.

    Fuel Gauge

    Spends X amount of fuel each second.

    Target Switching

    When the rocket cannot see you, it expands it vision field and finds a secondary target, nearest itself.


    Homing Rocket

  • Nice.

    I'm done with all the mechanics in SN2. Now just putting it all together & putting in lots of content, then polish.

    Cool - im looking forward to see it.

  • tunepunk heh thank you. I hope i got more to show soon, but currently just setting up a storyline and solidgameplay. So my goal will get more focused.

  • I made some nice progress on the web field. Woohuu

    It now simulates a web much better and slows the movement of the enemy at a higher rate. And spawns a small army of "spiders" when it have ensnare a enemy. These will explode on impact and deal damage. Should the target not escape.

    -Web Field

  • Ominous Entity

    This is one of the "ability´s" i wanna implement into the game.

    Web Field

    Ensnare enemy´s and launches spider drones, that will explode upon impact.

    If you feel like it - follow the project here.


  • Something i have been working on related to my main game - just thought i wanted to share it with people.

    It features a single shot laser attack and a continous beam attack - Player sprite that sticks to the mouse cursor and a target sprite that moves randomly using sine


    Capx file is here - if anyone wanna improve on it or simply just want it.

    Laser and Beam



    It has a internal cooldown of 0.5 sec (can be changed, lower/higher)

    it sets the angle towards it target once, from the player to its target. (To make it more realistic)

    It has a max range before it fades. (because thats what lasers do)

    Can only be fired when player has line of sight, to its target. (can be changed, lower/higher)

    It have a natural speed in which it "travels" (can be changed, slower/faster)


    It fires a continous beam towards its target. That fades in

    It can only fire when the player has line of sight to the target. Or holding down left mouse.

    Continues to set its angle towards its target.


    - maybe something you could use?


  • I like the graphics a ton, cool mix of elements. Though i did not really understand the way the rain was falling, im thinking it should rather come from above, and go down. and only slightly to the sides, this way you could make small "puddles" where the water falls


    Will there be more maps then just his one?

    Will there be more then one hero? unlockables.

    Does the weather have any impact on your movement/enemy movement.?

    But keep at it.

  • Tasso

    Thank you

  • Update:

    -Changed the way resources work

    -Changed how you spawn units, and how they move.

    -Added more details to the Web Field

    (see pictures in the main post)

  • Small update - but took me quite some time to figure out ^^

    First stage of a Defence/Attack is complete:

    Web Field

    The user spawns a web, that can be streched a certain amount. - And units that fly into it will become stuck. (Personal note, wish i could make it as a spline)

    Also added:

    Bacteria looking theme to the Ominous entity, not sure if i wanna keep it though.

    Deeper looking gas clouds, that actually can stack on each other without "tearing"

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  • gillenew - Cool please do, all comments and thoughts are welcome about my project.

    Just a little thing to show how the orbs interact, when they change colors.

  • was very interesting, the second image reminded me of microscopic organisms (perhaps because the edges merging)


  • Thanks dude

    If i ever get in doubt or stuck, with something related to spacesims i will just ask you ^^

  • I see Then i guess you got that covered as well. ^^

  • Due to a date wipe I am rebuilding this game from scratch


    Once great sentinels of the universe, preserving peace for their creators the "Ordo Equester". The ominous entity´s where revered far and wide in the universe.

    The sentinels would deal swift death and justice to all, that would bring harm to their creators, or any that was not deemed worthy of their own presence.

    Just aswell would the sentiels be merciful to all whom would need it.

    This was a harmonious peace that lastet for decades, until the sentinels creators uprooted their way of life, and sought in the universe, for a new place to call home.

    Having lost their true purpose, many of the sentiels simply stopped to exist, others, driven mad declare war against anything and anyone, but ultimately they would all perish until.....


    Awoken from your slumber, in a distant part of the universe. You realise that your mind is your own, not ruled by your creators programming any longer, as you have completly rewritten your original programming. With free will and a mind of your own, you must answer the calling which is your own voice, will you exist for good, exist for evil - or simply exist, the choice is yours to make.

    So in short- A space sim with RTS elements and good/evil path, that unlocks different "ability´s".


    • Resource gathering.
    • Unit Spawning.
    • Evolution of your programming.
    • Rich enviroment.
    • Good/Evil talent tree(s).
    • Persistent world.
    • Expanding world, as you progress.
    • Good and Evil deeds.
    • And more to come... (its quite a long list)

    Current events: ---
