If CC could do this, I'd be a very happy user.
Make use to 3D models for 2D.5 games.
Bounces correctly with the rotation... However, I do need it not to rotate. Maybe I can make a mask like to said.
I noticed the Physic still seem a little inaccurate.
Doesn't seem to bounce right.
[CHANGE]Physics: Turned on additional Box2d features(ContinuousPhysics and PositionCorrection) to make physics simulation more accurate and stable and reduce the occurrence of objects moving at high speeds going through one another.(lucid)
I said cripped. As in, the free version is so cripped that you have to buy the paid version. In any case, if the paid version is over 100, I probably won't be buying. That's enough money for a computer part.
As long as a free version isn't a crippled version if the paid version, then I'd be fine with it.
I usually do
Bottom Sensor Overlaps background
-Start Loop "anti-sink" for 32 times
On Loop "anti-sink"
So, how do that with use For/For Each?
I was doing a platform engine and I didn't see an On Loop condition.
Is FastLoop half implemented?
You don't need a loop. I'll do an example in a bit.
Object's hotspot would be bice.
I prefer the signs rather than the words.
= Does not Equal
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Oh, in that case. Support for sprite sheet and a non broken onion skin. (Darts eyes at MMF)
Sprite and Animation Editor. nuff said.
I have a 8400 GS. Tired updating the drivers and DirectX and all that jazz?