Artpunk's Forum Posts

  • Hey man. Yes in XDK you need to go to plugin management > add 3rd party plugin and in the field for 'Git Repository' add the link: ... plugin.git

    Then in your game add the Cranberry plugin. And you'll need to call the actions to 'track screen' (to track which layouts the player visists) or 'track event' to track things like button clicks or time in game etc.

  • Ill answer to the best of my knowledge.

    1. I was able to get Chartboost ads working perfectly with XDK using Cranberry's cordova plugins. Another option for ads is the Appodeal C2 plugin. It works great by itself, but as soon as I tried to add plugins for other functionality (Cranberry analytics) I got build errors so I swapped it for Cranberry Chartboost and that way I was able to get both ads and analytics both working in my game at once. I haven't tried iAP, (cranberry or official plugin).

    2. From what I understand from reading through the forums, the general consensus is that the the official C2 plugins for AdMob and GooglePlay are outdated and not recommended. Again IAP Im not sure I havent tried yet.

    3. Working with XDK, you will need to use the Cranberry Cordova plugins for Ads and Google Analytics. Im not sure about Cranberry iAP. Important to note, Cranberry's GooglePlay plugin doesn't seem to work with XDK. At least I was unable to get it working.

    4. After failing with Cranberry Google Play on XDK I swapped to I was able to get Cranberry's Google Analytics working quickly. I discovered that Cocoon actually has their own plugins for ads and for GooglePlay. I was able to get the Cocoon GooglePlay plugin working after about a day of playing with it (now its working very well). Next I will attempt to use the Appodeal ads plugin with Cocoon, if that fails Ill try Cocoon's ads plugins (they have options for Chartboost, AdMob and a couple others). If that fails Ill use Cranberry's Chartboost plugin, and if that fails I'll kill myself.

    Other notes:

    -I would quite happily recommend XDK by itself. I was able to get great performance with my game on XDK (on Android and iOS). The problem is, as far as I know, we are reliant on Cranberry's plugins. He doesn't provide any support what so ever, so if you can't get it working yourself you're stuck. So While XDK itself is great... as soon as you need ads, analytics, Google Play, you are forced to rely on 3rd party plugins that are unsupported. I got analytics and ads working, but hit a wall with Google Play. I posted about it on the XDK forum here.

    -I like it that Cocoon has their own up-to-date plugins for essential functions like ads and GooglePlay. I would much rather use theirs than unsupported options.

    -When building on Cocoon you have a couple options to choose from under settings>webview engine: (webview, webview+, canvas+). I get great performance (equal to XDK) using webview or webview+. But I get terrible performance with canvas+.

    -It's possible I'll still use XDK for iOS **if** I can get GameCenter working on XDK... havent tried yet.

    This is a summary of my experience from the last fortnight. Hope its useful to you.

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  • I think Google in one of Its multiple forms (GooglePlay I guess) allows you to set some kind of beta-testing system, but me i never got that far yet! Randomly googled. Have you considered Greenlight? Seems to be the holy grail for many. Never got that far either.

    Your game looks awesome mate. Polished and fluent and... massive too! Congrats!

    Hey man thanks for that link! And for the positive feedback too

    Ive been exploring GooglePlay the last couple of days while setting up Achievements, and I noticed the settings there to do beta and alpha testing.. I havent delved into it, but in passing I saw it was possible to set up a closed testing system, where only people who I provide a link can particpate, or an open system where anyone who discovers it can participate... so yeah if I get that far I think I would definitely use that. To be honest, at the moment I am leaning toward just putting it out in the wild without feedback from beta testers...

    As for Greenlight. I would definitely consider that! My first priorities are Android and iOS, and following that Id try to get it on a range of other platforms: Steam, Kongregate, Amazon, Windows Phone. Id like to try it on as many platforms as possible just to test which ones can generate revenue.


    At the moment Im having a bit of a nightmare getting the game to build in XDK... I always suspected this would happen. For the game to be successful on mobile, I figure I need the following three three features:

    1. Google Analytics

    2. An ads system to generate some income.

    3. Achievements (for GooglePlay and Apple GameCenter?)

    Im trying to use the Cranberrygame Cordova plugins for all three. At this point I have the first two working, but XDK gives me build errors when I include the plugin for GooglePlay achievements /leaderboards etc...

    Its killing me because its beyond my ability to troubleshoot. At this point I'm thinking Ill have to ditch XDK and try alternatives: Cordova CLI, or Phonegap... One of the XDK guys is helping me on their forum, but if that doesn't lead anywhere Ill probably have to drop XDK.

    The game itself is finished. And I am so tantalisingly close to publishing this on Android, once I get past this last hurdle of building it...

  • Im using XDK for my first game. Im getting really good performance on Android and iOS. I get 60fps on my old test devices: iPhone5 and Nexus5.

    Im just discovering that plugins, like everyone says, are a complete pain in the ***** but ive just managed to get Chartboost interstitial ads and Google Analytics working in XDK using the cranberrygames plugins... how long they continue to work remains to be seen.

    I tried my game on cocoon a while back just to compare, and performance was good on that too. But there was a bunch of stuff broken with the game, I guess because I had been testing on XDK right from the beginning. If I had tested on cocoon from the start too, I would have picked up those bugs of course.

    I noticed a couple of C2 games published recently on Android were built in Cocoon (Lunar Mission and Artillerists), so those devs are obviously happy with Cocoon.

    One thing I dont like about cocoon is their logo being slapped at the beginning of your game. But thats a minor thing. Im happy with XDK provided ads and analytics continue to work

  • Are there example capx's for the cranberry plugins anywhere? Id like to see examples of how the various conditions and actions should be implemented. At the moment Im specifically looking at the chartboost plugin.

  • I think your art is really cool. I like how he pulls his gun from the holster when he fires

  • Hello cranberrygame is it possible to track installs and uninstalls with your Google Analytics plugin?

    I'm using it with XDK and its working v well tracking things like, time in the game, the current layout player is viewing, the level number etc.

    It would be good to track data about total number of installs versus uninstalls but Im not sure how to do that... is it possible with this plugin?


  • Disregard my previous question, I managed to answer this myself. It totally works!

  • Sorry to bump an old thread. Just wondering if anyone has cranberrygame 's Google Analytics plugin working with XDK?

    Just want to find out if it does actually work with XDK before I purchase and try to get it working. Judging by the posts from KENYONB above, it doesn't work with XDK?

  • Missing any template?

    If so, just reply to this topic and explain me what you need. I'll consider to make a template then

    Hi Andy. Well a template or tutorial demonstrating options for getting ads into a game on iOS using XDK would be helpful.

  • Looks like some really useful resources there. I'll definitely be checking these links out. Thanks for posting AndreasR.

  • Looking very cool!! I like the bloody foot prints left behind the player.. that kind of attention to detail adds a lot I think.

  • Hehe funny u mentioned that. I had the apostrophe in the wrong place in an earlier version...

  • You can host your game on gamejolt and generate keys for a private access or you can do it on too.

    Both are free. It's not beta testing focused but it should do the job.

    (Or you are talking about an online server for your game and I don't know the anwser)

    This is helpful to me too. Im currently thinking about how to beta test a game. I might try this option..

  • An update on my simple platform game.

    I now have a title. It will be called either:

    Cluckles' Impossible Adventure OR just Cluckles' Adventure

    I have completed 107 / 108 levels, and I am currently deciding if I should make the last level a boss..


    Im currently play testing the levels over and over, trying to find any remaining bugs / level design flaws etc.

    Id really like to get some people to beta test with me, in fact Ive already had offers from people on the forums to help me play test. I was thinking about putting the game up as a playable demo on the scirra store or something, but im hesitant because I was reading that its very easy for people to ripoff a html 5 game and post it elsewhere... Does anyone have advice on this?

    I might not end up making it available for beta testing. I might put it straight on the Google Play store and make fixes as I get feedback from people playing on their phones. In the game I have links for email and to a subreddit, so players can easily contact me to give feedback and report bugs. So id kinda be using the first group of players who find the game as beta testers? Good idea? Disastrous?

    The reddit is: but theres nothing there yet.

    Anway here is some art:

    Main menu and game title.

    Navigating the menus.

    The third game environment: The Catacombs!