Intel XDK vs Cocoon

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  • Hello all.

    I know this 'XDK vs Cocoon' has been going on for a while, but I myself haven't checked in on C2 for almost a year. So I don't really know which is better now. I used to use Cocoon because then it was way faster than XDK plus the smaller file size, but their limitation of just 2 projects for free users was a put off. Has XDK improved? or are thing just the same?.


  • I've not used XDK ever since I switched to cocoon last year so I can't really weigh in. But the limitation of 2 projects shouldn't be an issue. You can just delete one current project, and than create a new one. Than if you want to update the previous game, you can delete another and just create another. Sure it is a hassle, but if you can't afford the subscription program, I don't think this is something to really complain about considering how well it performs.

  • New Intel® XDK - Release - 2016 October 11, v3619

  • For goodness sake, just go with IntelXDK!

  • I use XDK for my android and ios game and i satisfied, despite the fact that they often break down, but they quickly fix errors, his support responds quickly and helps.

  • Im using XDK for my first game. Im getting really good performance on Android and iOS. I get 60fps on my old test devices: iPhone5 and Nexus5.

    Im just discovering that plugins, like everyone says, are a complete pain in the butt, but ive just managed to get Chartboost interstitial ads and Google Analytics working in XDK using the cranberrygames plugins... how long they continue to work remains to be seen.

    I tried my game on cocoon a while back just to compare, and performance was good on that too. But there was a bunch of stuff broken with the game, I guess because I had been testing on XDK right from the beginning. If I had tested on cocoon from the start too, I would have picked up those bugs of course.

    I noticed a couple of C2 games published recently on Android were built in Cocoon (Lunar Mission and Artillerists), so those devs are obviously happy with Cocoon.

    One thing I dont like about cocoon is their logo being slapped at the beginning of your game. But thats a minor thing. Im happy with XDK provided ads and analytics continue to work

  • Unless XDK improved very very much the performance on the latest updates, I would go with cocoon.

  • Some games that I made with cocoon didnt work on some devices that I have and the same games using Intel xdk worked in all devices. I dont know why. Could be that one is signed (Intel xdk) and the other I dont sign the app (cocoon)?

    The annoying thing on Intel xdk is that flash after the splash screen.

  • Unless XDK improved very very much the performance on the latest updates, I would go with cocoon.

    XDK has the same performance if you're using webview+ on Cocoon. It's all cordova based.

    On iOS, you access WKWebView (which is faster than Canvas+!!) for high performance. On Android you use the Chromium based WebView which the recent versions are very fast. Or Crosswalk for Chromium performance with more compatibility.

  • > Unless XDK improved very very much the performance on the latest updates, I would go with cocoon.


    XDK has the same performance if you're using webview+ on Cocoon. It's all cordova based.

    On iOS, you access WKWebView (which is faster than Canvas+!!) for high performance. On Android you use the Chromium based WebView which the recent versions are very fast. Or Crosswalk for Chromium performance with more compatibility.

    Interesting. So the only advantage to use Cocoon nowadays is the file size?

  • File size is similar for non Crosswalk builds.

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  • > Unless XDK improved very very much the performance on the latest updates, I would go with cocoon.


    XDK has the same performance if you're using webview+ on Cocoon. It's all cordova based.

    On iOS, you access WKWebView (which is faster than Canvas+!!) for high performance. On Android you use the Chromium based WebView which the recent versions are very fast. Or Crosswalk for Chromium performance with more compatibility.

    Can you tell me if Crosswalk still has better performance than webview? I have a Nexus 7 with Android 6 and compiling without crosswalk is slow, I haven't tried it with crosswalk yet, but canvas+ is smooth as butter.

  • >

    > > Unless XDK improved very very much the performance on the latest updates, I would go with cocoon.

    > >


    > XDK has the same performance if you're using webview+ on Cocoon. It's all cordova based.


    > On iOS, you access WKWebView (which is faster than Canvas+!!) for high performance. On Android you use the Chromium based WebView which the recent versions are very fast. Or Crosswalk for Chromium performance with more compatibility.


    Can you tell me if Crosswalk still has better performance than webview? I have a Nexus 7 with Android 6 and compiling without crosswalk is slow, I haven't tried it with crosswalk yet, but canvas+ is smooth as butter.

    I can't tell you since your case is different to mine. For me, Crosswalk is great for Android since it has good performance and good compatibility with more devices. I have had regular WebView & Canvas fail on some devices but Crosswalk runs it like a champ.

    You just need to test it out for your own use case and see which is better.

  • >

    > > Unless XDK improved very very much the performance on the latest updates, I would go with cocoon.

    > >

    > > XDK has the same performance if you're using webview+ on Cocoon. It's all cordova based.

    > >

    > > On iOS, you access WKWebView (which is faster than Canvas+!!) for high performance. On Android you use the Chromium based WebView which the recent versions are very fast. Or Crosswalk for Chromium performance with more compatibility.

    > >

    > Can you tell me if Crosswalk still has better performance than webview? I have a Nexus 7 with Android 6 and compiling without crosswalk is slow, I haven't tried it with crosswalk yet, but canvas+ is smooth as butter.


    I can't tell you since your case is different to mine. For me, Crosswalk is great for Android since it has good performance and good compatibility with more devices. I have had regular WebView & Canvas fail on some devices but Crosswalk runs it like a champ.

    You just need to test it out for your own use case and see which is better.

    To be honest I'm not really that bothered about pre-5.0, by the time I finish anything, the world will be on android 10 or something, but actually running a basic scrolling platformer or racer at 60fps on a very capable device is important to me. I'm trying to get away from cocoon and their proprietary/incompatible engine and xdk is the most "open". Do you have any xdk specific performance tips? I've done all I can on c2's end, should I still block the gpu blacklist, for instance?

  • I don't use the GPU blacklist myself, but optimizing the game is vital, you have to monitor CPU usage in real-time as that is actually the biggest cause of performance degradation on mobiles. Contrary to what Scirra has said, mobile GPUs these days have insane good pixel fillrates, but the logic thread (CPU) can be bottlenecked quite easy with sloppy C2 coding.

    Honestly, I'm actually impressed with how strong C2/Crosswalk is on Android.

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