ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • sure, same link as before

  • I/PackageManager( 1638): setEnabledSetting(), pkgName=com.tunewiki.lyricplayer.


    er$BootAndMediaMountReceiver, state=1, flag=1, pid=29328, uid=10041

    D/DEBUG   ( 1813): updateCellLayoutCache(3.5555556, 3.5607476)

    D/PowerManagerService( 1638): New lightsensor value:160, lcdValue:94

    D/PowerManagerService( 1638): lightSensorChangedLocked, buttonValue >= 0, mPower

    State = 3

    I/Process (29309): Sending signal. PID: 29309 SIG: 9

    D/InputManagerService( 1638): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: co$Stub$Proxywgb@40d05048

    I/ActivityManager( 1638): Process com.arcaded (pid 29309) has died.

    D/PeopleApp( 2189): Auto requerying AllPeopleCursor due to update - 25 contacts

    D/dalvikvm( 7591): GC_EXPLICIT freed 14K, 39% free 4658K/7623K, external 1K/751K

    , paused 64ms

    D/Background traffic light( 1813): traffic light: GREEN, mBackgroundTrafficLight

    = false

    D/AutoSetting( 1914): service - mRequestRunnable: screen on delay 10s, request N

    LP now

    D/AutoSetting( 1914): service - requestNLP() to last request within 2hrs, don't

    request 250019

    V/HtcAppUsageStats( 1638): handleMessage msg=1

    I/ActivityManager( 1638): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.

    MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.arcaded/.arca

    ded } from pid 1813

    V/HtcAppUsageStats( 1638): (launch app, package): (arcaded, com.arcaded)

    D/PhoneWindow( 1813): couldn't save which view has focus because the focused vie

    w$DecorViewezf@40568e28 has no id.

    D/Background traffic light( 1813): traffic light: GREEN, mBackgroundTrafficLight

    = true

    I/ActivityManager( 1638): Start proc com.arcaded for activity com.arcaded/.arcad

    ed: pid=29336 uid=10130 gids={}

    D/SensorService( 1638): enable: get sensor name = BMA150 3-axis Accelerometer

    D/Sensors ( 1638): Enable akm: en = 1

    D/SensorService( 1638): pid=1638, uid=1000

    D/AK8975 ( 1525): Compass Start

    D/AK8975 ( 1525): Ignore M_Sensor: (y, p, r) = ( 133,   -3,    0), Status = 3

    D/AndroidRuntime(29336): Shutting down VM

    W/dalvikvm(29336): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4


    E/AndroidRuntime(29336): FATAL EXCEPTION: main

    E/AndroidRuntime(29336): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activ

    ity ComponentInfo{com.arcaded/com.arcaded.arcaded}: java.lang.ClassNotFoundExcep

    tion: com.arcaded.arcaded in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[/data/app/com. arcaded-1.apk]

    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        at


    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        at


    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        at$1500(Activi

    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        at$H.handleMessage(Ac

    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.ja


    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        at android.os.Looper.loop(

    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        at

    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native


    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(


    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        at$MethodAndA

    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        at

    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

    E/AndroidRuntime(29336): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.arcade

    d.arcaded in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[/data/app/com.arcaded-1.apk]

    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        at dalvik.system.PathClassLoader.findClass(PathC

    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.j


    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.j


    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        at

    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        at


    E/AndroidRuntime(29336):        ... 11 more

    W/ActivityManager( 1638):   Force finishing activity com.arcaded/.arcaded

    W/dalvikvm( 1813): disableGcForExternalAlloc: false

    W/System.err( 7676): Permission denied

    W/System.err( 7676):    at Method)

    W/System.err( 7676):    at

    W/System.err( 7676):    at com.idreamsky.lib.g.k.a(SourceFile:254)

    W/System.err( 7676):    at com.idreamsky.gamecenter.service.a.a(SourceFile:102)

    W/System.err( 7676):    at com.idreamsky.gamecenter.service.a.b(SourceFile:78)

    W/System.err( 7676):    at com.idreamsky.gamecenter.service.c.handleMessage(Sour


    W/System.err( 7676):    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(

    W/System.err( 7676):    at android.os.Looper.loop(

    W/System.err( 7676):    at

    W/System.err( 7676):    at


    W/ActivityManager( 1638): Activity pause timeout for HistoryRecord{4057ffa0 com.


    D/SensorService( 1638): disable: get sensor name = BMA150 3-axis Accelerometer

    D/Sensors ( 1638): Enable akm: en = 0

    D/SensorService( 1638): pid=1638, uid=1000

    I/CarouselTimeLog( 1813): onStart() finish: 1363791660737

    D/CarouselDummyActivity( 1813): CarouselDummyActivity.onResume: tab_allapps

    D/Background traffic light( 1813): traffic light: RED, mBackgroundTrafficLight =


    D/William ( 1813): - refreshUsageStatCache -

    D/AK8975 ( 1525): Compass CLOSE

    If that helps. I might try the whole process from start to finish again today just making sure I don't miss anything.

  • both are in the root of my z drive.

    I did android update project --path z:\arcaded --library z:\PenderAndroidLibrary

    so instead I should do it as:

    android update project --path z:\arcaded --library ../PenderAndroidLibrary


    OK, I got it to build.

    I just get a FORCE CLOSE on droid device. :)

  • Tomorrow I can for sure, now I gotta be up in 5 hours, so it's sleep time. My skype is ArcadEd

    I zipped up the 2 folders in case they help.

    Thanks again.

    If you want to post what to try go for it, I can try it first thing tomorrow.

  • OK, did all that plus a clean. Same as the picture above

    And thank you so much for your help. I probably gotta get to sleep pretty quick. From work tomorrow I will try all the steps again and see if i missed something somewhere.

    Plus I am sure Wink will be jumping on tomorrow to try it as well.

  • Z:\java\DroidSDK\sdk\tools>android update project --path z:\arcaded --library z:\PenderAndroidLibrary

    Resolved location of library project to: z:\PenderAndroidLibrary



    Updated file z:\arcaded\proguard-project.txt

    It seems that there are sub-projects. If you want to update them

    please use the --subprojects parameter.

    OK, still imported with the same errors.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Can't resolve com.pender in the Did I miss a step somewhere?

    What is the point of importing the library into eclipse? Seems like it's just comes in as a separate project.

  • Since it was on the last page you might miss this.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Do I build the project or library? Project has errors, won't let me build

  • Scratch that, just gonna go with eclipse. So I imported both folders, now what?

    Here is what I have now.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Top one ACTIVITY_ENTRY_NAME is the Library

    arcaded is the Project

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  • OK, importing as existing project doesn't work. I choose the directory (Either one) and it doesn't give me the option to import. No Projects to Import. I can do import existing android code though.

  • Yeah, I can't seem to find an ant command. Always non recognized command.

  • Ok, I'm up to the build part. I've done everything in the past in Eclipse, what would be the command to build?

    Or should I just use eclipse?

  • I do, I'm on the final few steps and I'll give it a whirl

  • OK, I think I got confused. What path to my project? Is one of my projects that i have complated? In APK?

    Nevermind, I think I got it now. reread all the steps and it's making more sense.

  • OK, got 2 step 5 I believe :)