3DGS's Forum Posts

  • Currently its setup so that each bullet takes away 1 from the variable. So u have 3 bullets spreading if only one bullet hits the monster (because the monster is too far away ) then it only takes away 1 health. If the monster is close then all 3 bullets hit the monster and take away 1 each for a total of 3. U need to switch the amount the bullet takes off to 3 if you want it to work the way you say.

    Bullet>On collision with monster> Monster spawn explosion

                                      Bullet Destroy

                                      Monster subtract 1 from health

    That is the current setup.

  • Np, glad to help

  • it worked for me, the problem is that the spread is so wide that it takes the enemy being right up to the gun for all 3 to hit and kill in 2 shots. but its working the way it should on my comp at least.

    Edit: maybe a strait 3 round burst per click would work?

  • is this what you are looking for?


  • can u post the capx?

  • I made a game for android consisting of 4 layouts currently. I exported and packed it using phonegap build. When I start the game on my EVO it runs fine but i get this message

    "Note: browsers have very strict security limitations on pages viewed from disk. This means exported projects generally don't work when run from disk. Upload your project to a server, or just preview from inside Construct 2, to check it works."

    I know that with html5 and java this is being ran by the browser. Is there some kind of limitation to the amount of layouts i will be able to run? Is this going to effect my game on android, if not then how do i get rid of the message?

  • unless i'm mistaken that bar is for downloading the whole game for offline use. not for webstorage, but i could be wrong. Also i believe you can remove it by removing the manifest="offline.appcache"> tag in the index.html but im not sure what this does to server game play.

  • Worked for me also, the instance var and global vars are both working now, and funny, the waffle is showing now that i dont need it lol.

  • Nothing, same problem, no waffle, no prompt, did a hdd search and no waffle

    Edit: lol that was with the second wrong link, 1 sec getting 3rd file, hopefully its the right one :P

  • no waffles.txt even did a system search to see if it was put somewhere else but my global and instance are still not working also. i saw that a few are now, thats weird

    Edit: tried with with an existing project and a new one, same thing.

  • my computer is all yours, if you have not already figured the problem out. i wanna get back to work :). got me hooked on this program! lol

  • personally i think this game has all it should have even with art work, it all about hooking people and i opened it and played for like 20 mins strait before i had to pick up my daughter from school. great game, makes you think and i think the art work is good and fitting. reminds me a little of portal art work i guess because of the whites and greys.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Looks like the same error


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Returning NULL event variable

    Condition: event_var != NULL

    File: Projects\Parameters.cpp

    Line: 285

    Function: class EventVariable *__thiscall EventParameter::GetEventVariable(void) const

    Build: release 66 (32-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


    Abort   Retry   Ignore   


    when trying to change a global var with events

    and when i try instance i get the same old hard crash with no info.

  • yea all signs point to the graphic card, would be a heck of a coincidence if it wasnt lol. just hope this gets fixed soon because i saved my game in 66 so i cannot use 65. kinda dead in the water with what i was doing.

  • its instance variables also, but when it crashes with instance it just hard crashes with no error