First, Happy Birthday Tom. I noticed in your profile that today is your birthday and wanted to wish you a good one.
Now, down to business:
Please visit this should attribute the missing badges.
I have been trying to get some missing badges attributed to my account for a while. I like the badge idea and think it shows loyalty and experience when a user works to earn them.
Earlier today, I decided to follow the link above again to see if I could get credit for the missing badges. At the time, I showed 63 badges on my account. After opening the recalculate page, my badge count dropped to 48. Instead of being credited the missing badges, I lost 15 badges and about 900 rep. I am including screen shots of before and after:
Of course my main reason for this post is, to get credit for the badges I have earned.
Second though, if users come to this topic to find out how to get credit for their missing badges and wind up losing credit for badges earned, you are going to lose a lot of loyalty.
You may want to remove that page because I really don't think it is working properly
You may want to remove the link or, at the very least, add a disclaimer letting people know they may wind up losing badges by following it.