queuethulu's Forum Posts

  • Well its nice to see that they actually want to know why you wanna make games and are working on. Still waiting for my call as well.

  • Mine seems to have sorted itself out now. Odd little thing.

  • Copyright laws are kinda odd, hence why you see some blatant rip-offs of people trying to copy other games (Angry Birds, Flappy Bird, etc) Then there was the whole candy crush mess...

  • I updated my email, and it caused my account to go haywire. not sure if its because I log from multiple computers through out the day, but it seems to discredited me for all of my postings.

    Wondering if im the only one with this odd issue?

  • God i love that site. Helped me design my own

  • I used gimp for a few years, then got SAI

  • queuethulu

    You might want to check if your mouse has it's own software running which changes the default middle click function. For example, Logitech has a software package called Setpoint which allows a user to change the default function for all mouse buttons. The default for the middle click is "Application Switcher" not "Middle Click" so when a new user installs the Setpoint software, their middle click gets messed up. I am not sure what your mouse is but, you may find a similar issue which is causing your middle click not to work here.

    That's what I tried first (also how I found out the my mouse was broken.) Just recommended it as a general idea.

  • looking good

  • an optional other key could be useful for doors, since I just found out my middle mouse button doesn't work. Not your problem, but an alternate option might be a good idea

  • Still haven't finished that, saw the giant spider and had a "Nope." moment

  • I cant wait to see what you do with this!

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  • That's pretty bloody amazing. Looks great too! How big are you planning on going?

  • wow looking great!

  • I love final fantasy tactics, i really wanted to create something like that in the future

    Same here, Shining Force got me into the genre, but Tactics definitely perfected it. One day that would be awesome to make.

  • As of late I've been playin mostly indies. Rogue Legacy has been a favorite for me. I'm looking forward to Sealark when it is done. After reading what Moleneaux said about "Indies being a fad" (paraphrased) I'm gonna work my hardest to create unique games.

    As far as Kongregate I need to get there more often myself. Feels Ive missed a lot of recent.