[18:53] <LMK> make a point and click adventure
[18:53] <LMK> about a girl
[18:53] <LMK> with really long legs
[18:53] <LMK> and she wakes up one day, and they've run off
[18:53] <PixelRebirth_afk>
[18:53] <Aeal> ?
[18:53] <LMK> so the entire game is spent interacting with other characters to steal their legs to make her mobile to find her own
[18:53] <PixelRebirth_afk> so she moves now like a snail? ewwww
[18:54] <LMK> like each kind of persons legs provide different abilities
[18:54] <PixelRebirth_afk> youre disgusting LMK
[18:54] <l33twash0r> wat
[18:54] <l33twash0r> lol
[18:54] <LMK> i tihnk that's an awesome idea shut up lol