Thanks for taking the time and helping me out!
What's your favourite?yrl@AnD4D You see, that's the problem. I'm indecisive. I really like both. I started with the melacholic mix, wanted to keep close to the original, but bring in a more sad feel (which is very hard when trying to keep the original, written in D major. major = positive <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> ). It was the title, destiny's door. In my understanding, destiny always has two sides: It can bring you the luckiest day in your life - or the saddest tragedy.
When I was done with it, I couldn't forget that simple sentence: "We?re looking for originality, curveballs and adventurous amphonics."
I started thinking that I may have been too conventional. How original, how adventurous is the melancholic mix? So I went back to start and freed me from any conventional thinking. I started with the wobbling bass line, created from a simple fm synth sound, heavily edited with diversionFX. Then I took the trumpet stem from the original, again crunching it through diversionFX. Another day went into the glitch editing of the solo voice stem. No boundaries, I said to myself, go as wild as you can.
And there I am: two totally different compositions, both with much of myself in them. I just love them both, like a mother loves her children, no matter what.
Good luck, let us know how it goes :)@Blacksmith I will. But to be honest, I don't expect to come far. I'm more interested in giving the best I can. I want to lay back and follow the contest with the thinking that whatever happens it's not that I'm bad. Others just are better.
Extreme seemed to encircle my headI'm surprised. Are there no glitch fans among us scirrans? <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
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