An interesting point came up in another thread regarding aspect ratio. So thought I'd make a poll about it, so we could perhaps gauge which aspect the users are using or plan to use.
This is not a thread to complain or beg for changes in construct to better deal with aspect ratio. Do that in the help section, lol. This is just to see which ratio you are using or plan to use for your game or games.
If you happen to be using something other than those in the poll, explain below. I know a few retro games did have curious aspect ratios, so it's always possible someone is doing a game that doesn't follow one of the two "standards".
Edit: And don't turn this into "I looked at Wikipedia, saw the other aspect ratios so am going to try sound clever by saying you missed a load of them", we know there's lots and lots of others and it always ends up on a page about ***** Incidentally... Aspect Ratio -> Aspect Ratio (image) -> Anamorphic Widescreen -> Star Wars -> Princess Leia Organa -> Carrie Fisher -> When Harry Met Sally -> Fake ****** -> ****** -> Breasts
/is bored