Allright, was wondering if anyone would reply... so to be more specific....
-This contract is not for fully functionnal game, only a little part involving a functionnal platform character, lets forget the being hit animation, lets just say stand, run, jump, fall
-Graphics are meant to be minimal, just enough to support ur programming, blank menu background, plain grey start and edit buttons, playable lvl blank, solid different color to distinguish them from background, character can be anything just to verify if the animations are working, not meant to be published, different color block, mario, megaman or any drawn crap that looks like something... or not
-----lets say the platformer template built-in construct, but with an anything look alike ''animated'' character stand, run, jump , fall, mirrored for direction
-The tricky part is the edit layout which is really what i'm paying for, for example, if u used a mario sprite (or still anything) You start the game, u have start-edit button, start go to plain lvl where the character can fool around,pointlessly, back to menu you press edit button, you go to edit layout where u can edit each frame of your mario-like-anything-character, each of your mario-frames are there in 64x64 square where u can change each square for a different color or tranparent, 4 rows -stand-run-jump-fall. You edit what u want, save, go back to menu, press start and play around pointlessly with your brand new mario-like-less character. You quit the game, start it over, press start and retreive ur custom pointless mario-like-less character.
I'm aware that someone may do a crappy job on this, I'll pay him-her for it anyway, I would submit this post again with his crappy work attached to the post as a not-to-do example or a platform to build on and perfect, but would not hire him-her again for subsequent contracts. Later contracts will time to time be to clear-organise-clarify-standardise-optimise the code. Hope it helps clarify my earlier post