Cool. So basically instead of splitting an image by a grid (eg. 32x32 pixels) it splits the image by 'gaps'. So when you write 'ABCDEF' etc... each letter has a gap between it and so it crops and makes an image out of it? Would it be useful if I added that functionality into the import image dialog. A 'split by gap' button?
that would be cool
especially if you could specify the background color
cuz most of the sprite font sheets you find out there are split up by a color, like pink, or black, while a few of them are split by 0 alpha
also if the regular split by grid (eg. 32x32 pixels) function was visual
so you could dial up the numbers and see a visual grid of how they were being split
and increase and decrease the grid size until it lined up
as of now
you have to keep reimporting the sprites over and over if you're not sure what the grid size is
also, if you could make the "split by gaps" handle xy stuff like this:
<img src="">
you would be radical