hey all!
new to construct, great program, been heavily trying it out for a week or two
but im finding it hard to find the basic things i need.
so here some suggestions what could be helpfull
i would like to see an comparisment between normal code typing and eventcoding
how do they compare, and how do you arrange things
how is everything translated and in what order IF .... && .... while .. break loop
like how would you put this in events
for (var i=0; i < targets.Length; i++)
some basic examples of use
loop examples - while - for - or
working with multiple object creation, what do you need to know
unique id examples and when do you use them
a how to? section > like a f.a.q (keeping it short and direct, no tutorials)
how to spawn two enemy's with different speedsetting from the same object
condition(s) > actions and maybe a cap attachement
- how to spawn ten different enemy's
- how to random choose between execution of action
all code snippets that can be used in different cases, and this could grow fast thru the community
because it doesn't take as much time as a complete tutorial.
its hard to open all kind off caps to see is there some code you need or could use