Aphex's Forum Posts

  • 1. how does the timing of an event/action work

    the reason why i ask, i have some troubles with bullet settings, some things should happen all at once, but there seem some delay between them, like doing bulletsettings i call a function to do multiple settings,and then after function set a sprite position to the bullet, there some time between them how should i make sure everything happens at the same time


    could there be some problems with fast collision detection on multiple objects at once, i beginning to think that it sometimes skips some events or something, as my code works if you take one hit at a time, but when i do one big blowup some things are getting messed up

    if you use for each object collision with object, it should do all the events for each object on collison should it?

    3. countmatching,

    i litrally got crazy today as i didnt get this to work

    so i have an event where some sprites are counted as the same group, when destroyed, the count goes down like it should, but it nevers reaches 0, i want it to do this way so there can not be a mistake in collison detection, substracting from a var, it has to do with the condition gets false before reaching zero (i think), but why doesn't it gives zero as there are no matching events .. so 0!

  • you can have a function with numbers and strings, well i use it and it seems to work

    i just use a textobject , here in example "functiontext" is the textobject

    -> functiontext: Set text to Function.createsquad(base.ImagePointX("point"),base.ImagePointY("point"),1,5,10,"attacker")

  • im really interested in what things can be optimized with python, but i only want to invest time if its fully fixed, is it?

    so nei, i never used it but would like to try

  • for me its still not working 100% since 99.62

    multiple objects passed on to a function, picking seems wrong, was set as pending in the tracker

    if i take the same function code and put it directly into the event it works

    also had a few collision crashes, but will post a new tracker on that

  • i was suggesting that an 3dobject loader would be great to bypass the vram limit, one model load and 1 texture, and then you could transform the objecto or maybe a timeline , rather than having different images-frames,

    im working on a topdown space shooter, now if i want some tilting in the ships i need to setup a 3d model and render everything out, it quickly takes alot of vram, if i could manipulate the model ingame, i could make some great things and could be attached to events, and i would be happy if it only had a custom collision mask per object or something,

    so its more of a 2d use of 3dobjects,in my opinion this is as far as i would go with 3d , for complexity reason.

  • there seem to be a collision bug still around in latest version, maybe try setting your collisions in the object properties to boundingbox to see if that fixes it

  • okey thanx, i better not use it then

  • im trying out the condition aliasing

    does it work with "for each", should it remember the picking, im using the inline function so it should work i think, but it doesn't and the code works without the alias

    i could considerable shorten my code if this would work


    "formation not selected" (Inline) > ship "isselected" = 0

    On Alias "formation not selected"

    System: For each formation

    System: For each ship

    ship: Value 'groupmember' Equal to formation .Value('formationnr')

    formation: formation: Value 'isselected' Equal to 0

    (Alias) Return true

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  • interesting idea, but it would be better if you got like a 3dbox object that loads a obj file, as a container, and you could transform the object (tilt, rotate, ...) and for the rest deals with it like a 2d object, would be great

  • just do every 1500ms - create object at ...

    you could limit the creation by count of object or by a global var,

    every 1500ms

    sprite.count < 10

    • create object at ...


    every 1500ms

    global('count') > 0

    create object at ..

    substract 1 from global('count')

  • if you would focus on the hash-array-ini part of construct you surely can pull it off

    you can make something fairly quick , a form object that sends commands and save text to file

    object with array container, so like little graphics with array information attached and it great for making the GUI part of the game too

  • wow great adds and fixes, woeha set mass works,yey

    i do have something run very different from the last update, but will put it on the tracker

    some altered picking with function object i think

  • heh ow yeah that would even be better!

    edited: while it may be usefull having it, i probably will disable sounds when in slow mode, as playing music uninterupted was my main concern, and this already works! yey

    it could be usefull to have some ambient sound still overlaps the music portion, i havent experiment with how much control you have over multiple music files

  • set pitch

    to counter the timescale slowdown effect on sound

    i just noticed that you can play music without timescale has an effect on it, does it use a different channel, is this also or could this be possible with soundfx

  • okey thanx for the replys,

    so in case i would like it set to forget i should use the add param and call function and dropdown

    and for using the text , i guess its a good way as i don't need a seperate var for setting the param

    or maybe a global var is also a good way

    so like this

    global('setstart') set var to Function.setstartvalue(1000,1000,300,1)

    i guess my question was why do you need to set something, why not just
