been asking myself alot of questions about texture size and events, what would be best way to do this and so on, been reading some post and most end with saying "worry about rendering speed",
so i decided to start some optimalization topic mostly about that. feel free to add and answer or if you have tips for some things, please post it
if you have a graphic of 512 x 512 and you resize it to 32x32, what is the final output, will it take more resources to work with the texture , than an original 32x32 graphic
an to the same, if you have a 512x512texture and make it 1024x1024 will it work faster then an original 1024
if you have like a line spread out between points, it will take the square space that is needed to draw the line, will this affect renderingspeed much, if its very big, like 2000px, or
will it not take much as its just a line?
whatever is set invisible has no influence in render speed? or does it take cpu to calculate , lets say a texture of 512x512 invisible will take less cpu then 1024x1024 invisible to translate,
is invisible the same as opacity 0 ?
is it better to cram everything together in the same for each "object" action or dont worry about it an split it up as much as you want for better overview
if you have an area of 10000 by 10000, and there is some activity in places, is there something you can do to make it less cpu intensive or will the extra eventchecking make it more intensive
if you zoom out, very far, more objects are rendered would it be a good thing to exchange the sprite with something smaller or less detailed, set the sprite to frame 2 for example
, or hide things that arent showing anyway, like particles