Download Construct 0.99.9 (unstable)
This is an
unstable build. You can help Construct's development by downloading it, trying it out, testing and reporting bugs. If you have projects you want to work on without possible bugs getting in the way, stick to stable builds.
Link to previous build (0.99.85) changelog
Thanks to Davo for most of the changes this build - he's really worked hard and done some cool fixes and additions We're back on track for a 1.0 release as next major version - the following 0.99.9x builds should be becoming more stable ready for release candidacy.
Platform Movement
[FIX] - Fixed but where 0 deceleration meant you shouldn't turn to the right once you'd reached the max speed
[FIX] - Collision detection errors where sometimes you might be 0.4 pixels into a wall, fixing this also fixed the jumping up a wall bug
[FIX] - Running down a slope and jumping now produces the same jump strength as a regular jump
[FIX] - Jumping sometimes getting stuck in the ceiling
[FIX] - Jumping upwards onto a slope didn't reset the Y velocity to 0... making it seem like you were jumping up a slope
Object Bar
[ADD] - In the ribbon you can now hide and show the bar by clicking the 'Object Bar' button above Animation Bar. Finally you can hide and show that 'pesky little bar'
Animation Bar
[FIX] - Holding control now successfully duplicates the animation and its frames
Event Sheet Editor
[FIX] - Fixed some memory leaks with icons in the event wizard
[FIX] - "hello" no longer becomes "hello^. It was caused by clipping of drawtext
Panel Object
[FIX] - Panel object didn't rotate property
Shadow Caster & Light
[ADD] - You can now create a polygon shape for your shadow
[FIX] - Can now set, add, subtract private variables and it works
Custom Movement
[FIX] - Can now change movement speed and movement angle during the stepping stage. This should make it easy to do sonic style movements where you need to 'trace' along the walls as you move
Window Object
[ADD] - You can now use 'ClientWidth' and 'ClientHeight' to get the width and height of the client area of the window.
[ADD] - 'Restore' - So you can restore the window if its maximized or minimized
Sprite Object
[FIX] - Distortion problems with sprites whose images and object sizes didn't match
[FIX] - Absolute distortion point now works even when the object is rotated
[ADD] - Added new '3d object' just to annoy Quazi
[ADD] - Added new 'Portal Maths' object - helps with doing the maths for portals
[ADD] - Added new 'Sprite Ribbon' object that makes creating ribbons and trails easier
[FIX] - Missing fixes from last build compiled in to this build
[FIX] - Fixed the control system. Control states are reset between behaviors onFrame and the event cycle. 360 Controller updates the states in OnFrame2. Allows events to change the control states.