I don't think flowcharts work well for game logic. You tend to end up with what looks like a big pile of spaghetti, and the two-dimensional scrolling makes it hard to review and change. Our approach with flowcharts is, currently, as a data structure only. This is suitable for things like conversation trees which are typically structured in an ordered way, and game logic stays in the Event Sheet View (or coding). I think this is a good way to bring the benefits of a visual designer for tree-like structures without the downsides of spaghetti-logic.
We're not suggesting bad node-based Visual scripting like most softwares are implementing. (Most famous example being Unreal Blueprints)
Node-based visual scripting ****** especially when each variable or the fact to invert something is a node itself, it indeed looks like Spaghetti and it's an absolute mess.
Event system like C3 is using is far better.
HOWEVER, as i explain in previous posts, i feel like what current Flowcharts features require us to do moves the problem to an other kind of "abstract spaghetti" and coupling mess :
- It requires a bunch of string checks to achieve per-Node-specific Conditions / On Node Enter / On Node Exit / On Node Tick + a lot of manual work every time we add a node (stressful/easy to forget/error-proned)
- The logic split among different assets
- With no navigation/visualisation help. (requires to switch between multiple tabs and find the relevant places of each of them each time, need to scroll every time both on Flowchart and Eventsheet)
- need to painfully parse data contained in huge error-proned token list (avatar frame ? node-specific conditions to pick outputs ? camera settings to change ?), tokens are tedious to deal with on top of that using eventsheet, it requires a bunch of unreadable expressions.
What i'm advocating for is the best of both world : Node-Trees packed with dedicated Event Blocks for each Nodes :
(since i made this mockup, i realized it would be better if all "node sheets" of a flowchart were in fact in the same "Flowchart sheet", one after the other, so the pop-up would just automatically scroll to the relevant Node, but we would still be able to scroll the sheet up/down to find other nodes and potentially easily copy/paste ACE from one to an other)
This is the main point of what i try to explain in all my posts referencing Game Creator 2 (Unity 3rd party tool suite). Node-Tree visual scripting + ability to use Actions/Conditions/Expressions per Node is the most effective way to create :
- Dialogue Systems
- Quest
- State Machines (states machines have infinite usecases : complex player movement behavior, enemy AI, Game States, UI flow)
- Behavior Trees
- Combo System for Combat Game
- Dynamic cinematics
Existing Triggers included in FlowchartController Plugin are great for some purpose : logic shared by multiple Nodes, but not for individual nodes because the workflow involve many step for each Nodes we create, with no UX / Navigation / Visualation help.
However even that last point could be improved thanks to Node Sheets merged with the ability to create "Node Families"
NODE FAMILIES : node variables and overriding default OnEnter / OnTick / OnExit functions
That Node-Tree / ACE hybrid approach i'm suggesting could be even pushed further thanks to the ability to inherit default On Node Enter/Tick/Exit functions and variables from "Custom Node Types" (or Node Families / Node Templates)
We would be able to create "Node Templates" (or Node Family) implementing logic for their NodeEnter/NodeTick/NodeExit eventblocks, and then, in the inheriting Nodes, overriding AND/OR doing "super" call just like Object Family with Custom Actions are allowing us to do.
Node Family could also have "instance variables" in their properties, so it would allow us to easily set an Avatar Frame, or that kind of stuff without needing to parse Data in token lists
This way we could easily create a single Flowchart merging Dialogue + Quest + Cinematic capabilties at the same time.
You would create a Dialogue Node Family, a Camera Node Family and a Quest Task Family and then create inheriting node depending on what you want to happen at what point of your Flowchart
All Dialogues nodes would have a Avatar variable for example, while all Cinematic nodes would have TargetInstance/ZoomScale variables for example.
All Dialogues nodes could do a super call of the common Dialogue Family "OnNodeEnter" logic (which behavior could change depending of the "node instance variable" values) BUT some of them could wait X second before, playing a specific sounds, creating a specific instance after etc.
=> It would allow the user to create its own Node Types (with variables and overridable/extendable logic) depending of the system they want to achieve
Also we would be able to create our own Node Types to choose output based on Conditions as I was suggesting earlier, no need to include Vanilla "Random Output", "Choose First True Output" Node Types, the user would just be able to create it themself thanks to the "Are All Node Conditions True" Condition