I don't think most of the things suggested in this thread can be achieved currently. Well at least for almost all of them, the UX would be painful and it would feel very hacky.
Regarding Node Enter/Tick/Exit using the exisiting Triggers, yes I agree it could be done that way, I thought about this and then thought about how to improve it. I find the worklow unpleasant, because it means creating manually a bunch of events with strings check everywhere, potential big else if statement, no easy way to jump from the Flowchart to the eventsheet etc.
(Those are still great to have, but more for logic shared by several Nodes of a flowchart, not for Node-sepcific logic)
IMO for that kind of tool, UX is equally important with functionnality. (Visualisation, Naviagation, QOL)
The current workflow needed to achieve this is stressful and annoying, while it could be such a breeze if Flowcharts allowed to implement Game Logic.
As someone who enjoyed Game Creator 2's Behavior module, I can safely say it is totally amazing and powerful to be able to merge Node Trees with Actions and Conditions with ease. (GameCreator2 Base Tool plugin adds some kind of "eventsheets", yet its additional paid modules adds extra way to use Actions and Conditions and it totally makes sense, they don't compete with each other they synergyze very well and the community is happy about it).
I feel like it's a missed opportunity because Construct 3 has the best Actions and Conditions system out there, (and a huge number of Vanilla and 3rd Party ACES) but yet Unity (upcoming Muse Behavior) and its third party tools (GameCreator2) use their own ACE system in a better way.
If using Flowchart we need to implement our own logic to create the whole backend for how flowcharts are executed, as the first example shows, how to go from one node to another, need to navigate through a bunch of tabs, manually implement several triggers via strings for each node in every flowcharts etc, potentially painfully contains visual data (avatar animation/text wave effects) and conditions data (why would this out node be chosen ?) in big token strings (that then need to be parsed and intepreted by ACE instead of just using ACE directly), then it means the only thing Flowcharts allows to do is linking array entries visually. (which is cool i admit !)
Currently implementing Dialogues/Quest/StateMachine/BehaviorTrees with Flowcharts require exactly the same amount of work (tedious work) as it was before using an array (or JSON) where each entry would represent a node for example.
The only difference is that the array entries aren't linked by arrows, but each array entries could store a token list of the ID of out Nodes.
However the Array method would be much more flexible because it would allow us to link any Node to any other Node (multiple Ins support, possible to link back to previous nodes).
To be honest, with the current set of features, i'm not sure why i would go with the Flowchart instead of the Arrays (or JSON). Because Array would also allow us to store any number of values ("unlimited column numbers", while Flowchart are just more retrictive and require to parse data contained in just a 3 values max - Name/Value/Tag, it means potential huge token list which are not always very pleasant to deal with).
JSON would even allow us to nest and manipulate any amount of Data/arrays/Dictionaries for each nodes.
So IMO right now Flowcharts try to compete with more flexible and powerful Data Plugins while they could become something new that synergize well with Eventsheets
I just love the work you did so far on Flowcharts, very promising and exciting, and really hope the full potential will be exploited. So far nothing in its current implemention prevents it to become the best NodeTree/ACE hybrid tool out there, both it term of ergonomy and functionality, that could be used for Quest/Combo/Dialogues/StatesMachines/BehaviorTrees and enhancing the "instant and easy powerful visual scripting" features of C3 we love.